Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Stop The War, Troops Home Now
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Support Peace, Not War for Oil

Bring the Troop Homes from Iraq Now

Both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney should be impeached for their roles in lying to the American people about why they invaded Iraq. We have now plunged Iraq into a civil war; their healing process can not begin until American troops are withdrawn. Meanwhile, American corporations are getting rich by looting Iraq and American taxpayers.

(see Hawkin's Iraq platform)

Hawkins oppose the idea of creating a global American empire – and imposing democracy - through the use of military and economic power. Democratic reform beings at home. Energy conservation, mass transit and improved fuel efficiency is the answer to the growing scarcity of oil, not more illegal invasions of oil fields.

(see Hawkin's Clean Energy Transition platform)

Don't Invade Iraq – Stop Overthrowing Democracy in the Middle East

It was the CIA in 1953 that engineered the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran, initiating a disastrous half-century US policy of supporting reactionary monarchists and Islamic fundamentalists against secular nationalist pro-democracy movements throughout the Middle East. Then, as now, the prime motivation of the United States was the control of oil as the means of global domination.

We need to stop invading other countries because we covet their oil supplies. We need to understand that democracy means allowing people to make decisions for themselves, not installing compliant rulers that serve as junior partners to US military and corporate elites.

(see Hawkin's Iran platform)

All Countries Should Disarm Nuclear Weapons

Oil, not the potential for the development of nuclear weapons, is the prime motivation for the pending US attack on Iran. Most international experts believe Iran is five to ten years away from having nuclear weapons capability. Let us not forget that the Bush administration recently agreed to further expand the nuclear weapons capability of India because the US wants them as an ally in the coming showdown with China .

The US Kills Civilians and Our Own Soldiers by using Depleted Uranium

The radioactive dust from depleted uranium shells from US forces devastated Iraq and American veterans as a result of the 300 tons of depleted uranium used in the first Gulf War in 1991. One-third of the more than 800,000 US veterans of the first Gulf War developed Gulf War Syndrome, which many researchers believe is caused by depleted uranium radioactivity exposure. A 1998 study found as a result of exposure to depleted uranium a five-fold increase in cancers among Iraqis, including a ten-fold increase in uterine cancer, a sixteen-fold increase in ovarian cancer, and very high incidences of still births, congenital deformities, and childhood leukemia.

9/11 Is not An Excuse for A Curtail Civil Liberties

The Bush administration has used the tragedy of 9/11 as an excuse to expand military power and suppress dissent. The American national security and intelligence teams failed to prevent a domestic terrorist attack that they had plenty of warning about. The Bush administration remains the greatest threat to American and world security. Terrorism is a tactic, not a philosophy; massive use of military force is not a solution. We need to examine why American political leaders are pushing us into a war with Islam and has so alienated many of our longstanding allies.

(see Hawkin's 5th anniversary of 9/11 platform)

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*