Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Advisory on Albany News Conference

Peace and Health Care Activists Need to Declare their Independence from the Democrats

July 3rd, 2006
Media Advisory / Notice of Press Conference

For More Information:
Howie Hawkins 315-425-1019,
Sally Kim Sally Kim, (518) 364-2968,

Date: Monday, July 3
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: LCA Press Room, Legislative Office Bldg. Rm. 130, Swan and State St, Albany
Topic: Why progressives who care about peace and health care for all need to declare independence from the Democratic Party

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for US Senate, will hold a news conference on Monday, July 3rd in the LCA press room of the Legislative Office Building in Albany at 11:00 AM.

Hawkins will discuss the main issues in his Senate campaign, starting with the need to immediately bring the American troops home from Iraq. Hawkins will also discuss the recent attacks on Gaza by Israeli troops and the role that the US should play in trying to bring peace to the Middle East.

Hawkins will also discuss his support for a single payer Medicare for All national health care program. Hillary Clinton's opposition to single payer in the early 90s derailed a decades long grassroots movement for universal health care; instead she promoted the increased role of Health Maintenance Organizations and private health insurance. Ms. Clinton now advocates a Massachusetts style health care plan that places the burden on consumers to buy expensive and inadequate health insurance rather than supporting a publicly funded universal health care system.

The theme of Hawkin's press conference will be the need for progressives and other voters who want universal health care and an end to war to declare their independence from the Democratic Party.

Hawkins has been active in movements for peace, justice, the environment, and independent politics since the late 1960s. He is a co-founder of the national Green Party. A former Marine, he helped organize opposition to the Vietnam War and was co-founder of the anti-nuclear Clamshell Alliance in 1976. An active member of the Teamster’s Union, he presently works unloading trucks and rail cars at UPS. Hawkins received 47,771 votes as the Greens’ 2002 candidate for state comptroller. He recently pulled 5% of the vote for Mayor of Syracuse.

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*