Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Impeach Cheney

Hawkins To Call for Impeachment of Vice-President Cheney at Utica Protest Friday

July 13th, 2006
For More Information:
Howie Hawkins, (315) 425-1019
Sally Kim, (518) 364-2968
Sander Hicks, (347) 446-4461

Who: Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for US Senate. Hawkins is running an anti-war campaign against incumbent Hillary Clinton.

What: Hawkins will participate in a Community Speak Out and Rally for Liberty against Dick Cheney, who is the keynote speaker at $1,000-a-plate dinner for Republican congressional candidate, Ray Meier.

When: Friday, July 14.
Speak Out Against Cheney: 2:30 to 4:00 pm
Rally for Liberty: 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Where: 2:30 pm SpeakOut: Liberty Bell Corner Park, Genesee & Lafayette St., Utica
4:00 pm Rally for Liberty: Utica Hotel, 102 Lafayette Street, Utica

Visuals: Hawkins for Senate/Stop the War Banner, along with protest signs and banners from other community members

Howie Hawkins will call for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney at the Community Speak Out and then participate in the Rally for Liberty outside the Utica Hotel where Cheney will be speaking.

"Cheney should be impeached along with Bush for lying and lawbreaking. There are four solid reasons for impeachment: warrantless surveillance, misleading Congress on the reasons for the Iraq war, violating laws against torture, and subverting the Constitution's separation of powers," said Hawkins.

Public support for impeachment of Bush and Cheney is growing. A recent poll by Zogby International asked people what would restore their trust in government. The number one response was "personnel changes/impeachment proceedings." Numerous other national polls have found strong support for impeachment. Polls by Ipsos, Zogby, and American Research Group have found support for impeachment between 43% and 53% overall.


*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*