Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Ithaca Advisory

Hawkins in Ithaca on Tuesday July 18th to discuss Middle East crisis

July 16th, 2006
For more information:
Howie Hawkins, (315) 425-1019,
Sander Hicks, (347) 446-4461
Sally Kim, (518) 451-9469,

Date: Tuesday, July 18th
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: 2nd Floor of Autumn Leaves Bookstore, 115 The Commons, Ithaca, NY

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, will hold a press conference on Tuesday July 18th in Albany to discuss the present crisis in the Middle East.

Hawkins has criticized the efforts by the Bush administration, supported by Senator Clinton, to block UN efforts to effect a cease-fire in the widening military conflict in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon.

Hawkins, unlike Clinton, has supported the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq and opposed the increasing escalation of the conflict between the Bush administration and the Iran government.

In calling last week for international peacekeepers to separate the combatants and end the half-century military occupation of Palestine, Hawkins stated “"Ultimately, peace can only be achieved through negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships. It can't be imposed by others. But peace cannot come under the oppression of a military occupation. The occupied territories have become little more than a prison camp for Palestinian civilians and now Israel is depriving residents of access to their means of survival, including food, water, and electricity. The United States must unequivocally state that Israel cannot expect continued US military and economic aid so long as Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian territories continues. Palestinian people are being deprived of the most elementary human rights, and are subjected to a never-ending process whose intended outcome appears to be their complete dispossession and expulsion from their homeland."

Nonviolence is one of the four pillars of the international green movement.

Hawkins was the recent Green Party candidate for Mayor of Syracuse.


*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*