Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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MALACHY McCOURT FILES 30,000 signatures for GOVERNOR

Green Party candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, US Senate, Attorney General and State Comptroller filed about 30,000 signatures today to qualify for the November ballot, almost twice the number of 15,000 required signatures.

August 22nd, 2006

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, August 22, 2006
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sally Kim, (518)451-9469
Meghan Keegan, Media Coordinator (518) 225-0134

(Albany, NY) Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, filed 30,000 signatures today to qualify for the November ballot to challenge incumbent Hillary Clinton. Hawkins was joined at the Board of Elections by Green Party Gubernatorial candidate Malachy McCourt; Attorney General candidate Rachel Treichler; and State Comptroller candidate Julia Willebrand, Lt. Governor nominee Alison Duncan was also listed on the joint petition.

The Greens collected twice the number of signatures required.

The Greens, whose six elected officials in New York include the Mayors of New Paltz and Cobleskill, are the third largest party in the United State. Though the Green Party has been long recognized as a national political party by the Federal Election Commission, the Greens must get 50,000 votes for the gubernatorial ticket of author Malachy McCourt and union activist Alison Duncan to regain official party status in New York.

The Greens became an official party in New York when the ticket of the late Al (Grandpa) Lewis and Dr. Alice Green got 53,000 votes in 1998. Though the Greens fell short of the 50,000 vote total in the 2002 Gubernatorial election, they successfully sued in federal court to retain the right for voters to continue to enroll in the Green Party. There are 36,141 enrolled Greens in New York - more than the Working Families Party.

"We offer something that the two major parties do not: stances that reflect the positions of the majority of New York State voters. The Greens and a majority of New York voters oppose the war in Iraq; Democrats and Republicans support it. The Greens and most New Yorkers want action on global warming; tweedledee and tweedledum offer excuses for delay. The Greens and most New Yorkers want health care for all; the two corporate parties want to protect the insurance companies. The Greens and most New Yorkers want a new investigation into 9/11 and to criminally prosecute those responsible; the two major parties want to protect Saudi Arabia and neocons like Rumsfeld and Cheney while letting bin Landen go free." said Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for US Senate. Hawkins is a member of the Teamsters Union and a former Marine who organized against the Vietnam War.

Malachy McCourt is the author of "A Monk Swimming", a New York Times bestseller. "Peace is not just the absence of war; peace is where we are safe and secure in our lives and privacy." said Mr. McCourt, who supports demilitarizing the National Guard by bringing them home from Iraq and converting them into a civilian environmental corps.

Among other issues, the Green Party candidates: support same-sex marriages; an end to the war on drugs including the legalization of marijuana; support the abolition of the death penalty; and support a constitutional guarantee of a living wage job for all.

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*