Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Hawkins Welcomes Clinton to General Election; Praises Tasini's Peace Campaign

Urges Clinton to Embrace Democracy and Agree to Debate the Issues

September 12th, 2006
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, today congratulated Senator Hillary Clinton on her closer than expected victory in the primary and welcomed her to the general election.

"Hillary Clinton is fond of wrapping herself in the American flag with statements like 'I applaud the brave people who have been risking their lives every day to bring democracy and peace to Afghanistan and Iraq.' Why doesn't she have the courage to embrace democracy here at home and debate how best to achieve peace at home and abroad?" stated Hawkins.

Hawkins also congratulated Jonathan Tasini on his spirited anti-war campaign.

"Mr. Tasini did a good job in articulating the reasons why we need a more even handed approach to the Middle East and why we need to bring our troops home immediately from Iraq. He showed courage as a former Israeli in being willing to say that Israel's bombing of Lebanon and Gaza was wrong,” said Hawkins.

“Clinton, on the other hand, disrespected her Democratic base by refusing to debate Tasini. The question now is whether Clinton will disrespect all of her New York constituents by refusing to participate in debates in the general election," added Hawkins.

Hawkins noted that he will continue Tasini’s call for immediate withdrawal from Iraq and publicly financed national health insurance and invited Tasini supporters to join him in the general election campaign.

Hawkins supports bringing troops home from Iraq immediately. Clinton continues to defend her votes to invade Iraq and fund the occupation.

Hawkins supports a universal health care through Medicare for all. Hillary Clinton does not. In 1993, Hillary Clinton derailed a movement for national health insurance that had 70% public support. Instead, she pushed a compulsory private health insurance program, a position she still holds today with her support for the Massachusetts plan of government mandates and subsidies for private health insurance.

Howie Hawkins supports deep cuts in carbon emissions to curtail global warming. Clinton’s refusal to sign a letter from Senators encouraging the federal government to allow states to set higher than federal fuel efficiency standards earned her the label of “climate change no-show” from a Boston Globe editorial. Hawkins supports converting $300 billion a year of US military spending to a Global Public Works Program to rebuild the world’s energy infrastructure around renewable energy in 10 years.

The Green Party is seeking to regain official party status in New York. It needs 50,000 votes for Governor for Irish author, actor, and activist Malachy McCourt.

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*