Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Michael Berg endorses Howie Hawkins for US Senate

October 9th, 2006
Michael Berg has endorsed Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate challenging the incumbent, Hillary Clinton (D-NY).

Michael Berg, a high school teacher, was thrust into the media spotlight when his son, Nick, a contractor in Iraq, was abducted and beheaded in May 2004 in Iraq by an Al Qaeda-linked group which said they were avenging the murders, rapes, and torture of Iraqis by the US occupation forces in Abu Ghraib prison.

As the Green Party candidate running for Delaware’s at-large seat in the US House of Representatives, Berg is calling for the immediate withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.

In his endorsement statement, Michael Berg said,

"On the day that the new US Congress is sworn in next January, although I live in Delaware and Howie Hawkins is running in New York State, he will be my Senator. He will propose, support and vote on legislation that affects me, you and people around the world.

“What will make him my Senator are his views on the Iraq Invasion. Howie Hawkins wants to bring the troops home immediately. Immediacy is essential in saving the life of the next victim of the atrocities taking place in Iraq. One person dies in Iraq every twelve minutes.

“We need, I need, and the world needs US Senators like Howie Hawkins, with the strength, courage, and moral conviction, to end the path of aggression and death that we are on, and end it now."

Hawkins’ other endorsements include Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejía, the first soldier to publicly refuse redeployment to Iraq and a leader in Iraq Veterans Against the War; Anthony Arnove, the author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal; Carol Miller, a public health administrator who served as a Presidential appointee of the White House Health Care Task Force headed by Hillary Clinton in 1993; Dr. Alice Green, Executive Director for the Center for Law and Justice in Albany NY; Jason West, mayor of New Paltz, New York; and c

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*