Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Hawkins Says Clinton’s Iraq “Course Change” is No Change

“Hillary Clinton claims she wants to ‘Change course in Iraq before it's too late,’ but she still supports the occupation of Iraq. ‘Change Course’ by Bringing the Troops Home Now,” says Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for US Senate.

October 12th, 2006
(Syracuse, NY): “If Clinton is serious about ‘changing course’ in the deadly killing fields that have become Iraq, we need more than empty words. She needs to actually bring the troops home now,” said Howie Hawkins, a former Marine and anti-war organizer during the Vietnam War. Hawkins opposed the invasion of Iraq from the beginning, while Senator Clinton used her position and clout to ensure the invasion and prolonged occupation would occur.

“The people have been lied to about the reasons for the invasion of Iraq. Our troops are dying and disabled for lies. It's time support our troops by bringing them home,” said Hawkins.

“We have plunged Iraq into a civil war; their healing process can not begin until American troops are withdrawn. 400 bodies were found in Iraq just today. Meanwhile, American corporations are getting rich by looting Iraq and American taxpayers. The corporations and US military can play no constructive role in Iraq, except to withdraw and offer reparations to the Iraqis for the damages our government and its corporate contractors have caused,” said Hawkins.

Hawkins added, “We need to understand that democracy means allowing people to make decisions for themselves, not installing compliant rulers that serve as junior partners to US military and corporate elites.”

“Clinton would like people to ‘get smart’ [about the Iraq War], as she said in Syracuse on Thursday. The people are already smart about the Iraq War, that’s why the majority of New Yorkers say the Iraq War is wrong,” said Hawkins.

“It’s time the government stop draining our tax dollars out of our communities for a failed war and bring the troops home now,” concluded Hawkins.


*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*