Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Anti-War Green, Howie Hawkins, Responds to Pro-War Candidates Debate between Clinton and Spencer

October 20th, 2006
Hawkins for US Senate
Media Advisory / Notice of Press Conference

For More Information: Howie Hawkins, 315-481-7710,
Sally Kim, (518) 364-2968,

Date: Friday, October 20
Time: 8:30 pm
Location: In front of Strong Auditorium, University of Rochester, site of
the Clinton/Spencer debate
Topic: Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for US Senate, responds to Clinton and Spencer

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, will hold a news conference on Friday, October 20 in front of Strong Auditorium, site of the Clinton/Spencer US Senate debate at 8:30 pm.

Hawkins, an anti-war candidate, will respond to the debate between the pro-war candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John Spencer.

Hawkins will also discuss his support for inclusive debates for real democracy, a single payer Medicare for All national health insurance program his opposition to the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act, and his proposals for redirecting $300 billion a year from themilitary to building a new energy infrastructure based on renewable sources of energy.

The League of Women Voters recently withdrew their sponsorship from the only other US Senate debate, the October 22 debate at WABC studios in New York City, because Hawkins is excluded from that debate as well. The League said Hawkins is a “bona fide candidate.”

A recent Zogby poll found Hawkins had 21 percent support among independent voters, which translates into more than 5 percent of the total vote based on party enrollment figures. Zogby did not release Hawkins support among Democrats and Republicans. With 5 million votes expected in this years election, 5 percent for Hawkins would amount to 250,000 votes. That is more than the last independent progressive candidate to receive more than 1 percent in a New York US Senate race, which was W.E.B. DuBois as the American Labor Party candidate in 1950 who received 210,000 votes, or 4 percent.

At 6 pm, Hawkins will join a protest of the prowar-candidates-only debate in front of Strong Auditorium at the University of Rochester. Rochester Against War is sponsoring the demonstration. Hawkins will be available tospeak to the media between 6 pm and 9 pm outside Strong Auditorium.

Hawkins has been active in movements for peace, justice, the environment, and independent politics since the late 1960s. He is a co-founder of the national Green Party. A former Marine, he helped organize opposition to the Vietnam War and was co-founder of the anti-nuclear Clamshell Alliance in 1976. An active member of the Teamster’s Union, he presently works unloading freight at UPS.

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*