Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Vote Green Party, Row F

Health Care For All

October 31st, 2006
Vote Green Party, Row F, for Health Care for All

By now, most New Yorkers know that the only vote for Peace in NYS in 2006 is a vote for the Green statewide peace slate. The Greens support bringing the troops home now – and opposed the invasion from the start. The statewide candidates of the other parties – Democratic/Independence/Working Families and Republican/Conservative – supported the invasion of Iraq and want to continue the war of occuupation.

A vote for the Green Party is also the only vote for health care for all.

The Green gubernatorial ticket of Malachy McCourt and Alison Duncan and our US Senate candidate Howie Hawkins have been outspoken in favor of a universal single payer health insurance plan – an improved and expanded Medicare for All – at both the state and national levels.

The Greens understand that health care reform in America – like the rest of the world – begins with three key principles: provide health care for all, eliminate administrative waste and profiteering; and focus on keeping people healthy.

The Greens support health care for all because we believe health care is a fundamental right. Publicly financed health insurance also makes it easier to control costs. Right now, one in three New Yorkers lack health care during the course of the year. This forces them to use expensive emergency rooms to get treatment – raising costs for everyone. Having everyone in the health care system would also enable us to greatly lower costs for related programs such as workers compensation, medical malpractice, and auto insurance.

We don’t need more money for health care – we just need a whole lot more health care for the enormous amount of money we are already spending.

We need to eliminate the huge amounts of money – as much as 30 cents per dollar – that private health insurance eats up for its profit margin and paperwork bureaucracy. Medicare by contrast only spends 3 cents per dollar on administrative costs. Health care should not be a commodity through which insurance companies seek to maximize profits. The Physicians for a National Health Program estimate the administrative savings from a single payer national health insurance plan would be nearly $300 billion annually.

The Greens understand that we need a health care system, not a sick care system. We need to practice preventive health care to keep people healthy. The present American system of treating people once they are sick is far more expensive. We need to support comprehensive benefits, including prescription drugs, dental, optical, mental health, long-term care, and alternative medicine.

Democrats like to pretend that they support health care for all – because they know that an overwhelming majority of voters support it. But once elected, they offer excuses as to why they can’t challenge the insurance and drug companies, promoting instead band-aid reforms to the private insurance system that still leaves millions of New Yorkers without adequate health care coverage, while driving up the costs to consumers, employers, and taxpayers.

Hillary Clinton refused to support a single payer system back in 1993 when she was appointed to head up the White House Health Care Task Force. Instead, she crafted a proposal that threw more money at the special interests. What she proposed was compulsory private health insurance. Now she supports the Massachusetts plan, which also mandates that private individuals have to buy their own private insurance. That is why she receives more campaign donations from the health insurance PACs than any politician in America except for Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.

Eliot Spitzer likewise refuses to endorse universal health insurance through a single public payer. He says he wants universal health care for children, but New York supposedly enacted that a decade ago with Child Health Plus. Piecemeal approaches to health care reform end up primarily strengthening the power of the private insurance companies while undercutting the demand for health care for all.

Vote for real health care reform this November, not more band-aids. Vote for a party that will stand up to the insurance and drug companies. Vote for the Green Party ticket this November. We need 50,000 votes for the Green gubernatorial ticket of McCourt and Duncan to regain our right to be an official opposition party automatically on the ballot throughout New York State for the next four years. The corporations have plenty of parties. It’s time for the people to have at least one. Vote Row F for Green Party.

The Green Party slate for Peace, Health Care for All, Justice, and the Environment:

Malachy McCourt for Governor
Alison Duncan for Lt. Governor
Rachel Treichler for Attorney General
Julia Willebrand for Comptroller
Howie Hawkins for US Senator

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*