Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Hawkins Urges Voters to Focus on the Issues of War, Health Care, and Global Warming

Whether or Not Spencer said Clinton had Plastic Surgery is a Distraction, Hawkins says Hawkins TV Ads To Air Monday

November 5th, 2006
Hawkins for US Senate

News Release

For immediate release: November 6, 2006
For more information:
Howie Hawkins, (315) 425-1019,

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senator, today urged voters to focus on the policy differences between him and Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John Spencer. He urged voters not to be distracted by the question of whether or not John Spencer said Clinton had plastic surgery, which has been the main focus of media coverage of the Senate race in the closing days of the campaign.

“There are real life and death issues in this campaign like the war, 47 million Americans without health insurance, and global warming. Plastic surgery is not one of those issues,” Hawkins said.

“I stand with the majority of New Yorkers who want the troops home from Iraq, a single-payer health insurance plan for all Americans, and major public investment in renewable energy to stop global warming rather than in wars for oil. Clinton and Spencer oppose us on those policies. I’m asking New Yorkers to vote for me as a vote to stop the war, provide health care for all, and stop global warming,” Hawkins added.

Hawkins also noted that opinion polling shows that he voices the views of the majority of New Yorkers while Clinton and Spencer take the opposite view on many other issues, including abolition of the death penalty and the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Hawkins’ will air 67 thirty-second TV ads throughout New York State on Monday on cable news broadcasts and some other news-oriented programs, including MSNBC’s Hardball and Countdown, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, Lou Dobbs, and Paula Zahn, and the Comedy Channel’s Daily Show and Colbert Report.

In the TV spot, Hawkins says, “I approve this message, but I don’t approve of the fact that I was excluded from the Senate debates.” He goes on to say he is “the candidate who wants to get out of Iraq and back into our communities” to focus on jobs, housing, health care, schools, and clean energy. He concludes by saying, “I’m a Teamster, a former Marine, not a household name. But I’m your chance to send them a message.”

Hawkins also called upon the Working Familes Party to issue a retraction of their last minute mailer that implies Cindy Sheehan supports the whole Working Families ticket. Saturday night Sheehan issued a statement slamming the pro-war stance of Senator Hillary Clinton, who is listed on the Working Families ballot line, and reaffirming her endorsements made last month for Green Party candidates Howie Hawkins for US Senator and Malachy McCourt for Governor.

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*