Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan Reiterates Endorsements Of Green Party Candidates
Hawkins & Mccourt In New York Races
Slams 'rubber Stamp' Democrat Hillary Clinton On Eve Of Election

Working Family Party (WFP) Accused of Misleading New York Anti-War Voters with 11th Hour Mailer. Anti-War Candidates Demand Retraction

November 5th, 2006
For Immediate Release:

Malachy McCourt for Governor

Alex Montanez, Media Coordinator
Malachy McCourt for Governor

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- A mailer from the Working Families Party that arrived in thousands of voters' mailboxes on Friday and Saturday depicts Cindy Sheehan, along with Pete Seeger and Michael Moore, urging voters to support bringing the troops home by voting for Democrats running on the Working Families Party line.

Sheehan immediately issued the following clarification of her position:

"I support a lot of the work of the Working Families Party and especially Mr. Pete Seeger who has been an amazing warrior for peace. However, I cannot support the candidacy of Hillary Clinton who is ensconced in the all-Democratic slate. She is not pro-peace, or even anti-war and has been a rubber stamp for George Bush's war of terror. Many of the candidates that the WFP supports are worthy of support, but certainly not Senator Clinton."

"I support Howie Hawkins in his campaign against Hillary Clinton and I support Malachy McCourt in his campaign for governor."

Last month, Cindy Sheehan had endorsed the Green Party candidates Howie Hawkins for US Senator and Malachy McCourt for Governor. McCourt issued the following statement Sunday:

"Cindy Sheehan does not support pro-war candidates like Eliot Spitzer and Hillary Clinton and I challenge the WFP, a subsidiary of the Democratic party, to prove otherwise."

Hawkins issued the following statement:

"WFP should issue a retraction. It is absurd to claim that a vote for Spitzer or Clinton is a vote against the war. The Green candidates have remained clear about our opposition to George Bush and the Iraq war and that's where anti-war votes should go."

Jonathan Tasini, Ms. Clinton's opponent in the Democratic Primary, posted the following statement:

"To tell voters to vote for a pro-war Democrat as a way to protest the war is simply ugly. It is entirely disrespectful of the tens of thousands of people who were killed in this war."

Mr Tasini received a surprising 17% of the vote in his bid to upset the Senator.

The Working Families Party endorsed all the Democrats running for statewide office. These Democratic candidates also appear on the Working Families Party line on Row E. The Green Party's candidates appear on the next line, Row F.

tter than that. It’s a benchmark. It means people are waking up to the two party system, which since the Civil War have both operated in the interest of big business.”

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*