Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Green Party Candidate Campaigns In Tier

Fox 40 - News at Ten WICZ-TV Binghamton

New York's Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, Howie Hawkins, was in Vestal on Friday morning challenging opponent Hillary Clinton to a debate.

A political and anti-war activist since he was a teenager, Hawkins' major issue with Senator Clinton is her stance on the war in Iraq. Hawkins said Clinton believes in stabilizing Iraq before bringing U.S. troops home, something he said is impossible.

Hawkins, a co-founder of the Green Party, said it's difficult to get on the ballot as an independent, but said it can be done with a lot of support.

"You have to have a real grassroots support network, unless you've got a lot of money," said Hawkins. "Forbes had personal wealth. Perot had personal wealth that could pay partitioners. But if you get on as a grassroots movement, you have to demonstrate real support."

Hawkins added that money from corporate sponsors presents a conflict in today's political campaigns.

Watch Report
August 25th, 2006

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*