Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Hawkins Receives Anti-war Support

Syracuse Post-Standard

Howie Hawkins, Syracuse's anti-war U.S. Senate candidate, was endorsed Monday by a Delaware teacher whose son suffered one of the most brutal and memory-searing deaths of the conflict in Iraq.

Michael Berg's son, Nick, was kidnapped in 2003 while working as a contractor in Iraq and was beheaded on video by a group linked to al-Qaida. The killing turned Berg into an activist, and he is now a Green Party candidate running for a Delaware seat in the House of Representatives.

"The world needs U.S. senators like Howie Hawkins with the strength, courage and moral conviction to end the path of aggression and death we are on," Berg said Monday.

Hawkins, a founding member of the New York Green Party, has represented the party in races for Congress, Syracuse Common Council and Syracuse mayor. This year, he's challenging Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican John Spencer.

At first glance, it seems that Berg's backing could be a given. But the choice wasn't necessarily that easy.

Although anti-war Democrat Jonathan Tasini was trounced by Clinton in the party primary, Hawkins is not the only candidate on November's Senate ballot urging an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

The other choices voters will have for an anti-war Senate candidate are Jeffrey Russell of the Libertarian Party, Roger Calero of the Socialist Workers Party and Bill Van Auken of the Socialist Equality Party.

October 10th, 2006

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*