Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Clinton v Spencer, Round 1

Albany Times Union
by Elizabeth Benjamin

I didn’t make it to Rochester for last night’s debate between U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, and her GOP challenger, former Yonkers Mayor John Spencer, but I caught it on the radio, and was struck by the difference in tone between this event and the mud-fest that was his pre-primary debate against estwhile GOP U.S. Senate candidate KT McFarland.

It makes sense; both Clinton and Spencer have enough skeletons in the closet to want to avoid personal attacks. In addition, so much has already been written about their respective personal lives that it’s unclear what’s left to be said.

Given the widely-held belief that Clinton’s running for president in 2008 - an issue of which Spencer made much last night - the debate attracted media from all over the globe, as well as the state.

You can read accounts of the debate here, and here and here. And if that’s not enough, go here, here and here.

Round 2 will be tomorrow morning in at 9 a.m. at WABC in NYC. I’ll be there.

Two third party U.S. Senate candidates - Howie Hawkins, of the Green Party, and Bill Van Auken, of the Socialist Equality Party - who weren’t invited to participate in last night’s debate, tried to crash it with little success. Hawkins sent out his account of the experience in a press release, which you can read here.
October 21st, 2006

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*