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New York debate focuses on Hillary in 2008

She insists she has made no decision on running for president
By Helen Kennedy
New York Daily News

ROCHESTER, N.Y. Sen. Hillary Clinton and Republican opponent John Spencer debated for the first time Friday night but nearly half the questions were about her possible presidential future instead of their Senate race.

"Obviously, people are talking about whether I will or should be running for president, and I'm flattered by that," Clinton said when asked why she wouldn't pledge to fill out her term if re-elected. "If that is a concern for people, they should factor that into their decision in November. But I have made no decisions."

As moderator Dominic Carter kept pushing the issue, asking whether she thought she would do a better job than President Bush, and whether America is ready for a woman in the Oval Office, Clinton was reduced to laughing, "I'm not going there."

Spencer who has tried to make Clinton's ambitions a major issue of his campaign was delighted

"I'm the only one standing on this platform that wants to be a United States senator for the people of New York for six years," the conservative former Yonkers, N.Y., mayor said.

"She was given a welcome mat, and I believe she's using it as a doormat to get to the White House," he said in his closing statement.

At the top of the debate, Clinton walked straight up to Spencer's podium and grabbed his hand. It was practically the last time she acknowledged his existence.

While Spencer repeatedly addressed her directly, with attacks or jokes, Clinton mostly sailed along as if he weren't there, reserving her broadsides for Bush and the GOP.

In one lively exchange, Spencer was slamming Clinton for undermining support for the Iraq war by branding the president a liar and calling for the head of Donald Rumsfeld when Clinton interrupted to call again for Rumsfeld to get the boot.

"In the middle of the Civil War, the bloodiest war that our nation ever fought, Abraham Lincoln did not hesitate to change generals. We have a secretary of defense who is not credible anymore," she said.

"You're not president yet, Mrs. Clinton," Spencer shot back.

Spencer seemed less prepared than Clinton, and didn't help himself when he disavowed a policy proposal from his own campaign Web site for a 2,000-mile fence along the Mexican border.

"I haven't looked at my Web site in six months," he protested, saying he actually supports setting up a system of security cameras along the border.

In keeping with the generally civil nature of the debate, Spencer said Clinton shook his hand again backstage and said, "You did good, John."

They meet up for a second and final debate Saturday at 9 a.m.

Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, who was shut out of the debate, spent the evening trying to get into the venue by sneaking in various doors, but he was run off by security.

October 21st, 2006

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*