Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

Howie Hawkins
for U.S. Senate
NY Green Party

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Questionnaire Response

Cortland Women's Coalition 2006 Federal Election Candidates Questionnaire

Cortland Women's Coalition 2006 Federal Election Candidates Questionnaire

Name: Howie Hawkins
Phone: 315-425-1019
Office Sought: U.S. Senator
District: New York
Party Endorsements: Green
Address: P.O. Box 562, Syracuse NY 13205

Instructions: Answer Yes Or No Or Compete The Sentence

International Policy
1. I support Rep. Jim McGovern's legislation to cut off funding for the war in Iraq (allowing funding for the safe withdrawal of the troops, reconstruction of Iraq and an international security force). Yes
2. I support the missile defense system ("Star Wars" shield). No
3. My position on the United Nations is reform it to make it more democratic and end its use by the US as cover for aggressive wars.

Reproductive Health
4. I support Medicaid funding for poor women's abortions. Yes
5. I support spousal consent for abortion. No
6. I support a 24-hour waiting period for abortion. No
7. I support parental notification for minors' abortions. No
8. I support a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. Yes
9. I support federal funding for "Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage" sex education as contrasted with medically correct, age appropriate, comprehensive sex ed. No
10. I support Emergency Contraception as an over the counter product. Yes

11. I would improve No Child Left Behind as follows: Repeal it. No federal education mandates without federal funding.

Election Reform
12. I support public financing of political campaigns as in Maine and Arizona. Yes
13. I support redistricting by an impartial commission rather than elected officials. I support proportional representation in legislative bodies, which renders the gerrymandering of districts impossible.

14. I support increasing the minimum wage. Yes
15. I support pay equity and comparable worth measures. Yes
16. My position on affirmative action is appropriate sufficient budgets to the EEOC and other relevant agencies to enforce anti-discrimination laws and implement affirmative action plans.
17. My position on the national debt is reduce it by making the super-rich and the giant corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
18. My position on our trade deficit is repeal NAFTA, withdraw from WTO, and develop new trade agreements that level up labor, environmental, and social standards.
19. My position on Social Security solvency is raise the maximum income level at which Social Security taxes are capped.
20. I support more funding for accessible and affordable housing. Yes

21. I support drilling for oil in ANWAR. No
22. I support higher fuel economy standards for motor vehicles. (CAFÉ) Yes
23. I support more funding for alternative energy research. Yes
24. I want the US to sign the Kyoto Treaty on global warming. Yes
25. I support more funding for public transportation including rural areas. Yes

Government Reform
26. I support ethics reform requiring (give specifics): A voluntary system of public funding for all candidates who agree not to take private contributions. Restrictions on gifts and travel from lobbyists and other powerful interests for members of Congress. Require full disclosure on the internet of all lobbyists' contributions.

27. I support capital punishment. No
28. I support the 1994 ban on assault weapons. Yes

Health Care
29. I support competitive bidding for Medicare drugs. Yes
30. I support single payer national health insurance as outlined in H.R. 676. Yes
31. I support using Medicaid long term care benefits to pay for community services thus giving people a choice as to whether or not to enter a nursing home. Yes
32. I believe that individuals need to pay for more of their own health coverage through health savings accounts or the like. No
33. I would improve the Americans with Disabilities Act as follows: More funding to implement its mandates.

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*