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We did it! Thank you!
We got the Green Party a ballot line for the next four years with over 50,000 votes. Thanks to everyone who worked for this.
We will continue to campaign for the Green New Deal of full employment, single payer health care, fully funded schools and colleges, a ban on hydrofracking, a clean energy transition to head off climate catastrophe and put New Yorkers back to work -- and progressive tax reform to pay for it, starting with ending the $16 billion Stock Transfer Tax rebate to Wall Street speculators.
Cuomo has promised to take a meat cleaver to state employees and social services. He has declared war on the labor movement. He had indicated he will move ahead with hydrofracking next year after the DEC writes regulations. The Greens are the opposition to all this.
Now we must organize ourselves into a much better organized and financed Green Party that can effectively take up these challenges. We will be getting back in touch with everyone who contacted the campaign about this in the weeks ahead.
~ Howie Hawkins
Polls are open from 6 AM to 9 PM across the state. If you encounter problems, call 315 474-7055.
The only vote that counts towards the 50,000 needed to create the Green Party as an official party is the vote for Howie Hawkins for Governor and Gloria Mattera for Lt. Governor. Row F.
Cuomo is winning easily - more than 25 points ahead of Paladino - so no need to vote for the lesser of two evils. And a vote for the WFP is merely another voter for the Democrats and Cuomo; and the Democrats ant-labor, pro-war, pro-corporate agenda. Send the WFP a message by voting Green.
Remind your friends this morning to vote for Howie and Gloria.
Ralph Nader was on Democracy Now this morning, encouraging listeners to vote for Howie. Democracy Now is broadcast on WBAI, 99.5 FM from New York City, www.wbai.org.

NY State Sample Ballot | New York City Sample Ballot | Gallup Poll: 58% want Third Party
NYC Greens marching in the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade

Hawkins Says the Green Campaign Continues
November 5 -- "We won the ballot line. Now we aim to win our Green New Deal policies for New York State," Howie Hawkins said Friday, reflecting on the next steps for the Green Party after it passed the 50,000 votes for Governor threshold needed to secure a ballot line in New York for the next four years.
New York Green Party Election Parties :: November 2
New Poll Shows that Green Party will win back its ballot line
November 1 -- A new Angus Reid Public Opinion poll shows Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, easily topping the 50,000 threshold needed to re-establish itself as an official party in New York State.
Vote Single Payer - Vote Hawkins for Governor, Green Party, Row/Column F
November 1 -- A single payer health care system - at the federal or state level - remains the best solution for the American health care system.
Vote Peace - Vote Green Party - Vote Hawkins for Governor, Green Party, Row/Column F
November 1 -- The Green Party is committed to peace and nonviolence. It has actively opposed the invasions and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the expansion of the war to Pakistan. It has called for the military budget to be cut at least 50%. Within hours of the attacks on 9/11, the Green Party of NY issued a call for this to treated as the criminal terrorist act it was, not the excuse for war that the neo-cons had been calling for. It has opposed torture, spying, attacks on our civil liberties and the scapegoating of Muslims.
Hawkins Challenges Cuomo to Oppose Paterson's Efforts to Leave Superfund
November 1 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, today called on Democrat Andrew Cuomo to join him in opposing Governor Paterson's proposal to have the state pull out of the federal Superfund program.
Hawkins vs Cuomo on Hydrofracking
October 31 -- Andy Cuomo's statement on the issue of hydrofracking for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale is even more vague and convoluted than his other position papers, designed as always to avoid making any hard decision. However, it is clear that Mr. Cuomo is not opposed to hydrofracking, stating merely that its "development needs to be highly sensitive to environmental concerns."
Hawkins for Governor to Hold News Conference and Campaign Rally
October 20 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will hold the last news conference of his gubernatorial campaign on Sunday, October 31st outside his campaign office on Syracuse's South Side.
Hawkins Supports Strengthening Public Transportation in Greene County, Upstate NY
October 29 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, discussed his plans to improve transportation in upstate New York at a stop today in Catskill NY. The talk was organized by Brian Kehoe, a Green who is an elected Village Trustee in Catskill.
Hawkins Pledges to Help Rebuild New York Cities
October 29 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that he would help strengthen New York's urban areas with a massive public jobs program; strong tenant rights and affordable housing; increased funding for child care, education and other essential services; and enactment of a state single payer Medicare for All program.
Green Gubernatorial Candidate Howie Hawkins Opposes Subway Fare Hike
October 27 -- Unlike the plan put forward by Andrew Cuomo that transportation advocates recently called "dangerous," Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins has a clear plan for democratizing the MTA Board as well as providing a sustainable revenue stream for both capital projects and operations.
Hawkins' Wall Street Rodeo To Wrangle Runaway, Rebated Revenue
October 27 -- Few people know that gubernatorial Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins once worked on Wyoming Senator Clifford Hansen's ranch. "Back then I was baling hay. Now we're talking about bailing out the people."
October 26 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that his Green New Deal program would move New York to a carbon-free economy within ten years. He said Andrew Cuomo's NY Power policy book is "weak when it's right but mostly misguided." Hawkins also faulted Cuomo for failing to oppose hydrofracking for natural gas.
October 25 -- "When Cuomo was nominated last May he promised to 'tangle' with public employee unions. Now he promises a 'presidential-style permanent political campaign' against all labor unions. My pledge is to fight back and campaign with working New Yorkers for full employment, living wages, progressive taxes, and more workers organized into unions," said Howie Hawkins, a Teamster freight handler at UPS and the only union member running for statewide office.
Hawkins Faults Cuomo For Failing to Oppose Hydrofracking of Natural Gas
October 25 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, renewed his call today for a permanent ban on hydrofracking for natural gas.
Hawkins: I won't Fire Commissioners for Speaking the Truth
October 22 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that as Governor he would not fire Commissioners for speaking the truth. Hawkins was reacting to the firing of DEC Commissioner Pete Grannis following the leak of an internal memo that warned of the negative impact of pending cuts to the environmental agency.
Hawkins: Aqueduct Deal was Horse S**t; Clean the Stables
October 22 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said that the Inspector General's (IG) shockingreport on the rigged bidding process for choosing a video lottery terminal operator at the Aqueduct race courseshows the rampant corruption in the state government in general and in the Democratic Party in particular.
Hawkins, Green Party Candidate: State Bank Needed for Job Creation
October 20 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that the State of New York should establish a state-owned bank to finance job creation in new and expanding enterprises.
Hawkins, Nader Press Conference in Albany, Wed. Oct. 20, 1 PM
October 19 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will be joined by consumer advocate Ralph Nader at a press conference in Albany on Wednesday October 20th at 1 PM in the LCA press room of the Legislative Office Building in Albany.
Hawkins Agrees to Oct. 25th debate in Syracuse on Hydrofracking and Energy
October 16 -- Howie Hawkins has agreed to participate in a Monday October 25th debate on hydrofracking and energy policy at Nottingham High School, East Genesee St., Syracuse NY.
October 15 -- Attacking the very notion of a "jobless recovery", Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins' latest video contrasts reports of renewed Wall Street profits with people on the street passionately questioning why we haven't seen as significant an increase in employment.
Hawkins calls for a ban on Genetically Modified Organisms in Food Chain
October 14 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, today called for a ban on the planting of genetically modified crops in New York State. The Greens have previously drafted state legislation to impose a five year moratorium on the planting of such crops.
Hawkins & Greens Support Full Rights for Gay, Lesbian. Bisexual & Transgender (GLBT) Individuals
Hawkins Supports Ban on Hydrofracking for Natural Gas
October 12 -- Howie Hawkins and the Green Party have called for an outright ban on hydrofracking for natural gas. It presents Too many public health and environmental dangers. Plus it puts money into another fossil fuel when we should be investing in renewable energy and conservation to create a carbon free economy.
Hawkins Calls on New Yorkers to Reject Bigotry of Carl Paladino
October 11 -- Carl Paladino's statements yesterday against homosexuals is just the most recent example of his bigotry, racism, sexism, zenophobia, and general mean spirit.
Green New Deal would Invest in Renewable Energy for Jobs, Economic Recovery, and Climate Stability
October 10 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, released his Climate Action position paper as part of the 10-10-10 worldwide day of action (350.org) against global warming. Hawkins is participating in the (Hula) Hoop Day of Action for the climate in Syracuse.
Calls for Shutdown of Indian Point, Nukes, Ban on Hydrofracking
October 8 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, called today for rapid major investment in renewable clean energy sources so as to move us to a carbon free energy system within a decade. He released his Climate Change plan, which includes a shut down of Indian Point and other nuclear power plants, opposing proposals in the State Energy Master Plan to develop up to 20 nuclear plants as a way to reduce climate change.
Hawkins for Governor to Hold Two Press Conferences in Westchester on Friday, October 8
October 7 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will hold two news conferences in Westchester on Friday, October 8. The first news conference in Peekskill will include Hawkins' proposals for climate change policy for NYS, including the fate of Indian Point and nuclear power plants. Indian Point is visible from the waterfront park. Hawkins will also speak on his support for a ban on hydrofracking for natural gas and why natural gas is not a bridge to a carbon free future.
Hawkins Opposes Fare Hike for NYC Subway, Metro Area
October 7 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, came out today against MTA's vote to raise fares on NYC Subways and metro train lines. He said he would seek to rescind them if elected Governor. Hawkins said he looked forward to discussing these issues in the October 18th Gubernatorial debate in Long Island
Hawkins Join in SUNY Albany Protests Against Education Budget Cuts. Part of National Day of Action
October 7 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, today joined in protests at the SUNY Albany campus as part of the National Actions to Defend Public Education. Hawkins, the only union member running for statewide office, has called for full funding of public schools; opposes charter schools; and advocates free tuition for public colleges.
Hawkins Outlines Plan to Reduce Local Property Taxes
October 5 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, today laid out a five point plan to reduce local property taxes, including a state takeover of the local contributions to Medicaid; enactment of a state single payer health care system; compliance with existing state law on state revenue sharing; and increased state funding of local schools.
Hawkins to Hold Press conference in Tuesday in Syracuse to Release his Property Tax Relief Plan
October 4 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will hold a news conference on Tues. Oct. 5th at 11 AM to release his plan on how to reduce local property taxes.
Hawkins New Video - Just Because: Mad About the Stock Transfer Tax
October 4 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, has released a new video on his ongoing campaign to stop the $16 billion annual rebate of the Stock Transfer Tax to Wall Street Speculators.
"Get Cuomo and Paladino a Hot Tub," Says Hawkins, As Gov's Race Turns Into "Reality TV"
September 30 -- "What is this, the Real Candidates Of Erie County?" asked a bemused Howie Hawkins after viewing the onscreen confrontation between Carl Paladino and New York Post scribe Fred Dicker. "Actually, the constant bickering reminds me more of Jersey Shore. Maybe Cuomo should hire Snooki as his Press Officer. That's about the level we're at now."
Libertarian and Green Gubernatorial Candidates Call on Paladino and Cuomo to Agree to Open Debates
September 30 -- The Green and Libertarian Parties candidates for Governor joined together today in calling for any debates to be open to all ballot qualified candidates. To exclude them would be a subversion of the basic principles of democracy that the major parties pay lip service to.
Libertarians and Greens Demand to Open Gubernatorial Debates
September 29 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party Nominee for Governor, will join with Warren Redlich, the Libertarian nominee, to call to open up the Gubernatorial debates to all candidates on the ballot.
Hawkins to Hold News Conference Outside Hancock Airbase
September 28 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will hold a news conference on Tuesday September 28th at 4:30 PM outside Hancock National Guard Airforce Base on East Molloy Road in Syracuse.
Hawkins Condemns FBI Raids on Antiwar Activists
September 28 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green candidate for NY Governor, today condemned the recent FBI raids and investigations of antiwar activist in six states as an attack on the antiwar movement and constitutional rights. Hawkins said the FBI should focus more on the corporate crime wave associated with the banking and home foreclosure crisis.
Hawkins Challenges Cuomo to Embrace Democracy and Agree to Open Debates
September 28 --Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, challenged Andy Cuomo to stop hiding from NY voters and agree to debate his opponents for Governor.
Hawkins Jobs Plan Would Provide Jobs; Cuomo Just Wants More Handouts to Businesses
September 28 -- The Hawkins for Governor jobs plan is much simpler - and more effective - than Mr. Cuomo's. Hawkins said the Cuomo work plan would be ineffective, just more tax breaks and handouts for businesses.
September 27 -- Mr. Lazio must have realized that weren't many voters between the far right positions of Paladino and the center-right position of Andy Cuomo, especially on economic issues. It just highlights the need to open the Gubernatorial debate up to all the ballot qualified candidates.
Hawkins Agrees with Voters that Congressional Health Care Reform Did Not Go Far Enough
Septebmer 27 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, said that he agreed with American voters that the recent Congressional health care reform did not go far enough in solving the nation's health care crisis. Hawkins said that he wants New York to be the first state in the country to implement a single payer Medicare for All program that would save New Yorkers $28 billion annually by 2019 according to a recent state-funded study.
Hawkins Opposes Layoff of 2,000 State Workers
September 24 --Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that he is opposed to the proposed layoffs of 2,000 state employees announced by Governor Paterson. Hawkins will speak Friday afternoon to Teachers for a Just Contract at The Cherry Tree Bar, 65 Fourth Ave. in Brooklyn, one of a growing number of labor groups and activists supporting his candidacy.
September 23 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, called today for Andrew Cuomo to agree to open debate in the Gubernatorial election. Republican Carl Paladino supports including all Gubernatorial candidates.
Hawkins Demands Inclusion in Gubernatorial Debates
September 22-- Standing before Rochester City Hall on Wednesday, Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said many policies that have broad support among New Yorkers will not have an advocate in the gubernatorial debates if he is not included.
Hawkins to Hold News Conference on Wed. 9/22 at 11 AM to Challenge Cuomo-Duffy to Debate
September 21 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will hold a news conference outside Rochester City Hall, home of Democratic Lt. Governor candidate Bob Duffy, to challenge the Democrats to debate him on the issues. The news conference will be on Wednesday September 22nd at 11:00 AM.
Hawkins To Paladino: Debate the Real Progressive
September 17 -- At a news conference outside Carl Paladino's Buffalo office Friday, Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, challenged his Republican opponent to debate him and to insist that there be a series of debates open to all the gubernatorial candidates.
Hawkins in Albany on Wednesday Sept. 15 at Jobs Rally, Picket Line
September 14 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will be speaking Wednesday night, Sept. 15th in Albany at the Jobs Emergency Rally at Townsend Park (Clinton & H Johnson Blvd) at 4:30 PM. Sponsors of the rally include the Capital District Labor-Religion Coalition (CDLRC), Capital District Area Labor Federation, Jobs with Justice, and Interfaith Worker Justice. Hawkins will then join the car caravan to the Holiday Inn Latham in Support of the picket against Jim Morrell.
Hawkins says WFP-Cuomo Pact is Bad Deal for working New Yorkers
September 13 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that he was disappointed that the Working Families Party had agreed to support the anti-working families agenda of Andrew Cuomo.
Green Party Candidates, Elected Officials Call for Permanent Hydrofracking Ban
September 13 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, joined with Dr. Cecile Lawrence, the Green Party nominee for US Senate (against Gillibrand) and Mary Jo Long, Green Party Afton Town Board member, in calling for a permanent ban on hydrofracking for natural gas. The Greens said that a moratorium on fracking was inadequate.
Hawkins Calls for Healing on 9/11/10
September 11 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for NYS Governor, said today that he hoped that 9th anniversary of September 11th could be used as an opportunity to heal the wounds that still pain so many New Yorkers.
Hawkins Calls for WPA-Style Jobs Program to Put New Yorkers Back to Work
September 8 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that he would put the 800,000 New Yorkers who are unemployed back to work with a WPA-style jobs program.
September 6 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will be at the Solidarity Labor Day Picnic in Menands from 1 to 4 PM. Hawkins is the only union member running for Governor. The picnic is at Ganser Smith Memorial Park (off Broadway going North of Albany take a left on Menands Rd.
Hawkins Joins Saratoga Peace Vigil
September 4 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, called today for a 50 to 75% cut in the military budget as he attended the weekly Peace Vigil in Saratoga Springs. Hawkins said that as Governor he would recall the NY National Guard from overseas wars and occupations
Hawkins schedule of Labor Day appearances
Howie Hawkins to visit NY State Fair on September 2
September 2 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will attend the NY State Fair on Thursday, September 2. Joining Hawkins will be Michael Donnelly, the Green Party candidate for Assembly Member from the the 119th District, and some young reporters from the South Side of Syracuse.
August 31 -- Obama's speech affirmed popular slogans: bring the troops home and focus on jobs and economic recovery at home. But it was as disingenuous as Bush's weapons of mass destruction excuse for starting the Iraq war in the first place.
Green Party Opposes Border Patrol Sweeps in Upstate New York
August 31 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, said today if elected he would seek to end the sweeps by the Border Patrol in upstate New York.
Save Social Security, Stop Bush Tax Cuts
August 26 -- The Green Party statewide candidates in New York today said today that they would resolve the federal budget deficit by cutting the military budget and not renewing the so-called Bush tax cuts for the rich, rather than cutting entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as the Democratic-controlled Congress is expected to do after the November election.
Green Denounces Democrat's Objections to Freedom Party Petition
August 24 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that the Freedom Party should have the right to run its statewide candidates in this fall's elections.
Greens Qualify Five Candidates for Statewide Office in Support of a Green New Deal
August 17 -- The Green Party qualified its statewide candidates today, headed by Howie Hawkins for Governor, by filing 27,500 signatures, with more than 100 signatures coming from 26 out of the 29 Congressional Districts.
Hawkins, Green Party To Hold News Conference at State Board of Elections in Albany
August 17 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will hold a news conference in conjunction with the filing of his nominating petitions outside the State Board of Elections on Tuesday, August 17th at 1 PM at 40 Steuben Street.
Hawkins to Attend NOW Breakfast in Albany on August 14
August 13 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will appear at the NYS NOW statewide candidate breakfast in Albany on Saturday August 14th at 10 AM at 155 Washington Ave. (the SEIU Building). Hawkins has endorsed NOW's legislative priorities on issues such abortion rights, no fault divorce, same sex marriage, welfare reform, and child care.
Hawkins Calls for Permanent Hydrofracking Ban
August 12 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, released a position paper today calling for a ban on hydrofracking for natural gas.
Hawkins Blasts Cuomo and Duffy for Attacks on Unions, Schools
August 10 -- The Green Party candidate for Governor, Howie Hawkins, today accused the Democrats' Cuomo/Duffy ticket today of attempting to balance the state budget on the backs of school children, teachers, and property tax payers.
Hawkins Ask Why AG Cuomo Is Failing to Protect Community Garden Agreement Reached by Prior AG
August 10 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, asked today why Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has failed to step up to protect the agreement negotiated by his predecessor, Eliot Spitzer, to protect community gardens in NYC.
August 9 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, has a new internet "Green Hornet" video commercial featuring his endorsement by Ralph Nader.
Green Candidates Opposes Efforts by Bloomberg to Undercut NYC Community Gardens Protection
August 9 -- Howie Hawkins and Gloria Mattera, the Green Party's 2010 statewide Gubernatorial ticket, said that they strongly oppose the efforts by the Bloomberg administration to gut the 2002 Community Gardens Agreement between the New York State Attorney General and the City. Green Party members will participate in the rally and hearing on Community Gardens on Tuesday August 10 at Chelsea Recreation Center at 430 West 25th Street in Manhattan
August 6 --You can’t make up the following realities in New York State! Note the following series of events driven by the preposterous plutocrats and see if you get steamed. Greed, power, reckless speculation and theft of other peoples’ money by Wall Streeters collapsed the U.S. economy into a deep recession that started in 2007-08.
Hawkins Slams 4 month late State Budget
August 4 -- State lawmakers passed a four-month-late state budget that cut essential services for many New Yorkers while raising taxes on low and middle income New Yorkers.
Hawkins Challenges Cuomo's Silence on Halting NY's $16 Billion Annual Rebate to Wall Street
August 3 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, challenged Andy Cuomo to come clean today about why he is refusing to talk about the rebate of the state's Stock Transfer Tax.
Hawkins Collects Enough Signatures to Be on November Gubernatorial Ballot
August 2 -- The Hawkins for Governor campaign announced today that the Green Party had collected more than the 15,000 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.
Hawkins Urges State Senate to Pass Legislation Protecting Tenants
August 2 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, called upon the State Senate to pass a series of housing bills essential to providing rent reform when they meet in Albany today and tomorrow.
Green Party Celebrate Medicare's 45th Anniversary By Calling for it to be Expanded to all Americans
July 30 -- The Green Party of New York State is joining with universal health care advocates throughout New York State and across the country to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Medicare (July 30th) and to call for its expansion to all Americans. (A list of NYS events in NYC, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester and Ithaca is at the end).
Hawkins Decries Attack on Proposed Muslim Center near World Trade Center
July 30 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that he was very disturbed by the efforts of the Republican Gubernatorial candidates to advance their sagging election prospects by crudely inflaming religious and ethnic tensions by attacking the proposed Muslim Center near the former World Trade Center.
Hawkins Says he Supports Immigrant Rights, Joins in Protests Against Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law
July 27 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party gubernatorial candidate, said today that he is a strong supporter of the rights of people who have immigrated to the U.S. He said he would ensure that local school districts were not illegally requiring children to provide documentation of their status, something that is improperly done in one of five New York school districts, according to a recent survey by the NY Civil Liberties Union.
Howie Hawkins calls Upon State Lawmakers to Tax Wall Street to Resolve State Budget Deficit
July 26 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that lawmakers meeting at the Capitol this Wednesday should resolve the state budget deficit by halting the annual $16 billion rebate of the stock transfer tax to Wall Street speculators.
Hawkins Calls for Cuomo to Come Clean, Drop Independence Line
July 23 -- Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, called today upon his Democratic opponent, Andrew Cuomo, to reject the Independence Party line following several new scandals involving payments by billionaire NYC Mayor Bloomberg and a loan to the wife of the state party chairperson by a NYC candidate.
Hawkins, Green for Governor, Calls for Military spending cuts, Bring Troops Home Now
July 23 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, who will speak at the National Peace Conference in Albany this weekend at the Crowne Plaza hotel, said that as Governor he will rally other states to demand large cuts in the military budget to provide fiscal relief to state and local governments, support the conversion to a green energy system, and to create jobs through increased investments in housing, child care, anti-hunger programs, mass transit, schools and environmental initiatives. Hawkins supports a WPA-style direct government employment in public works and services.
Greens Call for IRV, Proportional Representation Voting for NYC
July 19 -- The Green Party candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor urged the NYC Charter Commission to include preferential voting - also known as Instant Runoff Voting - for all single member elections.
Labor Committee for Howie Hawkins for Governor is Launched
July 16 -- Labor activists from throughout New York State have started a committee to support the gubernatorial campaign of Green Party nominee Howie Hawkins.
Hawkins Calls for a State Single Payer Medicare for All Health System
July 15 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, spoke today in Ithaca in favor a state single payer health care system; guaranteeing living wage jobs for all New Yorkers through a Green New Deal; and resolving the state budget crisis by making Wall Street bail out Main Street.
Hawkins Opposes Increased Jail Time for Lawyer Lynne Stewart
July 15 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, harshly condemned the increased jail time ordered for civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart, calling it an affront to the American legal system.
July 13 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, will hold a news conference in Ithca on Thursday July 15th to discuss single payer health care, worker issues, living wage jobs and the state budget crisis. The event will be on the second floor of 115 the Commons at 1 PM in Ithaca
July 13 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said that overhauling the state's criminal justice system by ending the war on drugs would help reduce the state's budget deficit while helping to rebuild communities of color.
Fiscal Crisis Manufactured by Politicians for Bankers, Green Gov Candidate Says
June 24 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for New York Governor, said today that the major party politicians are manufacturing the state's fiscal deficit at the behest of the big financial firms that fund their parties.
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party's candidate for Governor of New York State, will be on 1370 Connection with Bob Smith at noon (12:00pm EST), today, Monday, June 28, 2010. Listen and call in! The show is on 1370 AM or online at http://interactive.wxxi.org/listen.
Call in at 585-263-9994 to ask a question and show your support for a Green alternative to what we have now.
Hawkins, Green Party Welcomes a new Freedom Party as Growth of Democracy
June 25 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, said he welcomes efforts by City Councilmember Charles Barron to create a new party focused on concerns of the African-American community as one more step in creating a multi-party democracy in New York. The Greens are running two black candidates for US Senate, Colia clark and Cecile Lawrence.
Hawkins Opposes Calls to Hike Sales Tax on Working Families
June 24 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, strongly opposed the proposals being floated by State Democratic leaders to solve the state's budget deficit by hiking taxes on poor and moderate income families while continuing to protect Wall Street and other wealthy New Yorkers.
Hawkins Urge Democratic Leaders to Raise Unemployment Benefits, Pass Farmworkers and Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
June 23 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, called upon the state Democrats to take action to help working New Yorkers before going on vacation for the rest of the year by passing legislation to raise unemployment benefits and to extend basic workers rights to farmworker.
Hawkins Urges State Lawmakers to Fully Fund Schools
June 18 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, called upon state lawmakers to reject the proposed $1.4 billion cut in education funding proposed by Gov. Paterson for the state's public school system, instead fully funding education and complying with the recent court decision in the Campaign for Fiscal Equity (CFE) lawsuit.
Greens: Hawkins, Lawrence, Clark Call for Obama to Seize BP Assets to Pay for Oil Spill Damage
June 11 -- Green Party candidates for statewide office in NYC, including Gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins and Cecile Lawrence and Colia Clark for US Senate, joined today in the growing call for President Obama to seize British Petroleum's assets and to initiate criminal prosecution of BP and its leaders.. The assets seized should at least be in an amount commensurate with the damage caused by their criminal negligence, and that the funds should be placed into a trust that could quickly and easily pay for damages and compensation now and into the future as more damages accrue.
Hawkins Says Democrats Stealing Money from Poor New Yorkers
June 11 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for Governor, today accused state Democratic leaders of stealing federal dollars intended to help poor people.
Hawkins says WFP failed to push Democrats to the left
June 11 -- Part of the problem for the WFP is the party never cultivated itself as one that was independent of Democratic Party politics, Hawkins said.
"They're supposed to push the Democrats to the left," he said. "They never threaten to take their votes anywhere else. With Cuomo rejecting the line this year, the chickens are coming home to roost."
Hawkins Urges Cuomo to Join Him in Opposing Paterson's Cuts to State Safety Net
June 9 -- Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, urged Andrew Cuomo to join him in calling upon Governor Paterson to avoid deep cuts to the state's safety net in next week's budget extender.
Wall Street now has two candidates in its pocket
June 7 -- Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins has some harsh words for both his Republican and Democratic opponents now that the two main parties have solidified their tickets for November.
Hawkins says both Andrew Cuomo and Rick Lazio, the Democratic and Republican nominees for governor, respectively, both represent Wall Street and not the average worker in New York.
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The basic issue in this campaign is: Will our state government be for the people, or continue to serve the super-rich and the giant corporations?
We are running because we are on the side of the people.
We are running – we, not me – because I cannot win the goals of our campaign alone. I will not have the tens of millions of dollars for media advertising that the corporate-financed Democratic and Republican candidates will have. But organized people can beat organized money. As the candidate, I am one spokesperson for this campaign. But we all need to be organizers and spokespeople for this campaign with our family, friends, co-workers, and neighborhood and internet communities.
We are running because only a grassroots movement of people reaching people by word of mouth can swell to the critical mass we need to achieve our goals. Personal contact is far more influential and persuasive than 30-second TV and radio spots. Every one of us can win over tens or hundreds or thousands of voters by consistent, persistent activity over the course of the campaign.
We are running to offer a real alternative to the two-party system of corporate rule. The Democrats have replaced the Republicans in the State House and the Governor's Mansion, and in Congress and the White House, but little has changed. The two-party system is a very sophisticated scheme for presenting the illusion of real choice when both major parties are funded by the same corporate, financial, and real estate interests. Whether the A Team of Republicans or the B Team of Democrats are in the majority, it is still corporate power dictating policy.
The ongoing Wall Street bailout is the greatest transfer of wealth in world history. If our schools were banks, they would have been bailed out. Instead the creditor class of wealthy elites is making the borrower class of working and middle class taxpayers pay for the whole bailout for their bad investments through higher taxes, lower wages and benefits, and cuts in public services. The catastrophic destruction of our climate and oceans is accelerating, but the incumbent fossil fuel and nuclear corporations still capture far more government subsidies than clean, renewable energy. Whether it is job creation, health care, housing, or the environment, the government sides with the corporate vested interests against the broad public interest.
The progressives and independents who voted the Republicans out and the Democrats in are now taken for granted by the Democrats in power, because these voters have no where else to take their votes. We are running to give these voters a place to go.

Gloria Mattera for Lt. Governor and Colia Clark for Senate
One key goal of our campaign is to build the Green Party as a powerful, well-organized alternative to the corporate state's two-party system. With 50,000+ votes for the Green gubernatorial ticket – a very achievable goal – the Green Party wins a permanent ballot line and reasonable ballot petitioning requirements for the next four years, enabling us to contest elections at every level as we continue to build our movement. We are building this campaign county by county to leave in place a grassroots party organization that can carry on the movement for our policy platform after the November 2 election.
Putting Our Solutions into Public Debate
A second goal of our campaign is to move the policy debate in New York. We are going to present before the public – and make the mass media and corporate candidates deal with – our platform of solutions to the problems we face: progressive taxation and revenue sharing, fully funded schools, full employment, single-payer health care, renewable energy, a state bank to finance a sustainable green economic revival, clean government, proportional representation, and more.
Building Independent Power
We won't be completely satisfied unless we win the office. But if that turns out to be beyond our reach in this election, every vote we win and every person we recruit to the movement builds our power. Our power is based on our political independence from the corporate interests and their political representatives in both corporate parties. Our votes cannot be taken for granted. We will make the politicians and the policy debate in the media and in our communities deal with our solutions. We will lay the foundation for winning future elections.
Join Us: Donate, Volunteer, Vote
This website is your resource to find out about campaign activities and our policy positions as they develop. Much more information and interactive features will be added as the campaign develops.
But before you leave this website today, however, please visit the three links that will connect you with the campaign:
Donate: Even a grassroots campaign needs money to print literature, mail fundraising appeals, pay organizers, and, yes, do some media advertising. We can go a long way if we can reach our minimum goal of $100,000. It will give us credibility with the media and debate organizers as well as fund an effective grassroots campaign. That will take a lot of small contributors, including you. Please contribute what you can and consider the recurring donation option for the course of the campaign.
Volunteer: Sign up and indicate your interests. We will get back to you and help you.
Green Voter Pledge: We are taking names. We want at least 50,000 voters pledged to vote the Green ticket by the election on November 2. We will remind them and help them get to the polls on Election Day. Sign the voter pledge and ask other supporters you identify to sign the voter pledge.
It's up to us. Millions of New Yorkers are angry about the corruption and incompetence in Albany that is assaulting our standard of living to pay for the Wall Street bailout. The anti-incumbent mood is palpable. We can reach those New Yorkers. The people have enormous power if they use their political rights and votes. If each of us joins in to do our own part, we can build a powerful movement to put our government on the people's side.
I look forward to campaigning with you. Together we will make a difference for the better.
Howie Hawkins
May 3, 2010