Stop in the Name of Health

July 30, 2010

On the 45th anniversary of the passage of Medicare, Gloria Mattera joined dozens of activists dancing and singing "stop in the name of health don't cut my Medicare" performed in Bryant Park and outside the front entrance New York City public Library. The message they were sending to Pres. Obama and the deficit commission is "No cuts to Medicare."


July 30, 2010















On the 45th anniversary of the passage of Medicare, Gloria Mattera joined dozens of activists dancing and singing "stop in the name of health don't cut my Medicare" performed in Bryant Park and outside the front entrance New York City public Library. The message they were sending to Pres. Obama and the deficit commission is "No cuts to Medicare."


Brooklyn Protesters Join Hands Across The Sand To Oppose Offshore Drilling

June 26

Gloria Mattera addressing local activist from groups such as Parents for Climate Protection, NYPIRG, and the Green Party of New York State, that organized one of the thousand worldwide "Hands Across the Sand" protests to oppose offshore drilling and call for clean energy alternatives. Participants linked hands, standing on beaches together at noon for 15 minutes yesterday.



June 06, 2010


Press Conference in front of Eleanor Roosevelt Monument announcing four statewide woman candidates and Howie Hawkins.


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