Howie Hawkins


Lifelong progressive activist and Green Party founder. Green candidate for Governor of NY in 2014.

Joined May 2010

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  1. Opportunity to Ballot allows candidates from the two major parties to legally steal our ballot line without our permission. Don't sign OTBs.

  2. retweeted

    Green Party state chair Gloria Mattera talks about how state election law allows the major party to raise our...

  3. . Time to convene special session re raising minimum wage, ending corruption, criminal justice reform, Dream Act. Back to work.

  4. retweeted

    . Nice to see you take HANNYS suggestion to raise min wage via wage board even though you argued couldn't be done.

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    . says fast-food workers are in “egregious” situation because of low wages. (Isn’t that the case with all min wage workers?)

  6. .. Wage Board should support $15 for all workers, not just a few (and many fast food workers left out)

  7. retweeted

    Let's keep the progress happening. Community Forum A for

  8. Howie Hawkins followed , , and 9 others
    • @NYClimate

      Building a & via the Mayor's Office of Sustainability & the Mayor's Office of Recovery & Resiliency. Formerly .

    • @UrbanGreenNY

      Urban Green Council is the NY Chapter of the US Green Building Council. Our mission is to advance the sustainability of urban buildings.

  9. retweeted

    Compare Bernie on w/ Green Party prez candidate Jill Stein ()

  10. retweeted

    Yet more articles about how Governor Baker and the MA House are blocking solar projects.

  11. retweeted

    Good NYS finally allow shared renewables. But minimum # subscribers at 10; Vt and Calif only require 2.

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    . continues to heavily push natural gas and fossil fuel infrastructure, worsening .

  13. retweeted

    Pope Francis Tells World Youth to Rise Up Against Global Capitalism

  14. retweeted

    We crashed Cuomo's fundraiser in the Hamptons with some . What did you do this weekend?

  15. .. We need to raise for ALL workers to $15 an hour.

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    2016 can be our best year ever as we blow the doors off to to new ideas, possibilities, leadership & new hope for all of us.

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    Call NYS Lawmakers to sponsor state pension funds from fossil fuels. .

  18. retweeted

    Today I announced the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act w/ , , & others.

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    At 11:30, speaks with about the State's 2015 Energy Plan. .

  20. retweeted

    Yes to divest Walmart. 6 times as many NYers killed by burning fossil fuels. Divest fossil fuels as well.

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