Howie Hawkins
Lifelong progressive activist and Green Party founder. Green candidate for Governor of NY in 2014.
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Howie Hawkins followed
Opportunity to Ballot allows candidates from the two major parties to legally steal our ballot line without our permission. Don't sign OTBs.
2 retweets 2 favorites -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Green Party state chair Gloria Mattera talks about how state election law allows the major party to raise our...
@NYGovCuomo Time to convene special session re raising minimum wage, ending corruption, criminal justice reform, Dream Act. Back to work.2 retweets 1 favorite -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
@NYGovCuomo Nice to see you take HANNYS suggestion to raise min wage via wage board even though you argued couldn't be done.1 retweet 0 favorites -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
@NYGovCuomo says fast-food workers are in “egregious” situation because of low wages. (Isn’t that the case with all min wage workers?)7 retweets 0 favorites -
@NYGovCuomo. Wage Board should support $15#minimumwage for all workers, not just a few (and many fast food workers left out)3 retweets 2 favorites -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Let's keep the progress happening. Community Forum
#BlackLivesMatter … A#Syracuse for#AllOfUs PM - 20 Jul 2015 · Details -
Howie Hawkins followed NYClimate, Urban Green Council, High NY and 9 others
Building a
#sustainableNYC &#resilientNYC via the Mayor's Office of Sustainability & the Mayor's Office of Recovery & Resiliency. Formerly@PlaNYC. -
Urban Green Council is the NY Chapter of the US Green Building Council. Our mission is to advance the sustainability of urban buildings.
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Compare Bernie on
@mvmt4bl#BlackLivesMatter w/ Green Party prez candidate Jill Stein (@DrJillStein)#BernieSoBlack PM - 20 Jul 2015 · Details -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Yet more articles about how Governor Baker and the MA House are blocking solar projects.
@MassGovernor@MassGov … -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Good NYS finally allow shared renewables. But minimum # subscribers at 10; Vt and Calif only require 2.
Howie Hawkins retweeted
@NYGovCuomo continues to heavily push natural gas and fossil fuel infrastructure, worsening#climatechange. retweets 2 favorites -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Pope Francis Tells World Youth to Rise Up Against Global Capitalism …
@Green_Europe@FoEAustralia -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
We crashed Cuomo's fundraiser in the Hamptons with some
#HedgeClippers. What did you do this weekend? …2 retweets 5 favorites -
@NYGovCuomo. We need to raise#minimumwage for ALL workers to $15 an hour. AM - 13 Jul 2015 · Details -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
2016 can be our best year ever as we blow the doors off to
#OpenTheDebates to new ideas, possibilities, leadership & new hope for all of us.22 retweets 27 favorites -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Call NYS Lawmakers to sponsor
#divest state pension funds from fossil fuels.#climatechange. AM - 8 Jul 2015 · Details -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Today I announced the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act w/
@Felixwortiz,@billmckibben,@PeterYarrowPPM & others. …6 retweets 6 favorites -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
At 11:30,
@sarbetter speaks with@dunleamark about the State's 2015 Energy Plan. ….@WCNY4 retweets 1 favorite -
Howie Hawkins retweeted
Mark Dunlea retweeted Letitia James
Yes to divest Walmart. 6 times as many NYers killed by burning fossil fuels. Divest fossil fuels as well. …
Mark Dunlea added,
Letitia James @TishJamesWe cannot allow New York City pension dollars to fuel gun violence.#DivestGuns retweet 3 favorites
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