Build a Sustainable Green Infrastructure for Jobs, Peace, and Climate Protection

US military spending is $1.1 trillion in FY 2007-2008, more than the rest of the world combined. It is a military budget for an offensive global occupation force – for war for oil, not defense of American soil.

Meanwhile, climate scientists now say we must reduce carbon in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million (ppm) to avoid unstoppable planetary warming and the economic breakdown and famine that would follow. We are now at 450 ppm carbon equivalent (including all greenhouse gases).

Instead of wars for oil, we need the moral equivalent of war: a World War II scale mobilization to build renewable energy sources, mass transit, railroads, regionalized sustainable manufacturing and agriculture, and other green infrastructure in order to reduce carbon emissions to near zero and increase carbon absorption through reforestation and other ecological restoration.

Convert a major portion of US military spending to rewiring American and the planet for renewable energy and near zero carbon emissions in 20 years.


Industrial Workers of the World
designed by union labor