To Make a Monthly Recurring Donation, please Visit Whether it's $5, $10, $25, or $50, recurring monthly donations are appreciated when possible, for budgeting purposes! Recurring donation run through November.
Below, make a one-time donation.
You can use this page for now to donate to the Howie Hawkins for Governor campaign. One-time and recurring donations will be earmarked for the gubernatorial campaign. A Hawkins for Governor website will up and running soon.
Who's donating:
samuel caquais from Middletown, NY donated. Thank you!
Sylvia Barnes donated
2013-10-17 17:06:14 -0400
jay goldberg donated
2013-10-17 16:56:54 -0400
Patricia Goldsmith donated
2013-10-17 16:54:36 -0400
Mary Baine Campbell donated
2013-10-17 16:54:21 -0400
Wayne Pritchard donated
2013-10-17 16:50:23 -0400
Gordon Rios donated
2013-10-17 16:49:49 -0400
Bill Stansbery donated
2013-10-17 16:49:20 -0400
Pete MacGregor donated
2013-10-17 16:47:33 -0400
Gail Babbitt donated
2013-10-17 16:45:34 -0400
Joanne Fleming donated
2013-10-17 16:42:08 -0400
Gary Jones donated
2013-10-17 16:41:30 -0400
Steve Breyman donated
2013-10-17 16:27:43 -0400
Christine Niskanen donated
2013-10-16 15:27:51 -0400
Safia Gravel donated
2013-10-16 11:02:52 -0400
Joel Kovel donated
2013-10-16 10:37:49 -0400
Lynne Serpe donated
2013-10-16 09:50:49 -0400
Jonathan Flanders donated
2013-10-16 09:32:18 -0400
Deyva Arthur donated
2013-10-16 07:20:42 -0400
Joe Suszczynski donated
2013-10-06 01:17:05 -0400
Ann Tiffany donated
2013-10-05 14:53:35 -0400
Ray Trudell donated
2013-10-03 23:46:30 -0400
Ruth Yanai donated
2013-09-30 09:06:54 -0400
Ursula Rozum
posted about this
2013-09-29 18:24:34 -0400
Just made a donation to Howie Hawkins- If you live in Syracuse ask me how to register to vote Green
Gloria Mattera donated
2013-09-29 18:20:37 -0400
Hope Ansanelli donated
2013-09-29 18:20:14 -0400
Kathleen Barrett donated
2013-09-29 09:08:15 -0400
Benjamin Kuebrich donated
2013-09-28 10:43:34 -0400
Kaleb Winters donated
2013-09-27 21:14:50 -0400
Andrew Gorman donated
2013-09-27 19:47:31 -0400
Ethan Bodnaruk donated
2013-09-27 19:34:15 -0400