I can win my race for 4th District Councilor in Syracuse.
We've got an energetic campaign team working at the grassroots. But to win, I need your support, too. Will you make a donation?
In previous campaigns for this office, my vote grew from 14% in 2003, to 41% in 2009, to 48% in 2011. This year I intend to win this two-way race. I'm running against a Democratic incumbent in a city where every elected office is held by a Democrat.
As a Green Party member of the city council, I will have the political independence to speak up for our schools, our neighborhoods, and our environment.
I am a Teamster who unloads trucks at UPS. I have been an organizer in movements for peace, justice, labor, and the environment since the 1960s. Drawing on my capacity for hard work and decades of organizing experience, I will work with the community and labor to win progressive reforms that will fully fund our schools, restore city services, ensure minorities and city residents get their fair share of city-funded jobs, and put the public interest before the special interests who finance the incumbent political machine.
My opponent is funded by the big developers, contractors, and landlords in Syracuse, like Bob Congel and Michael Falcone. In return, he has championed tax breaks for developers as the city goes broke. He stood by silently while the Mayor shut down in the 4thDistrict a senior center, a fire station, and the Occupy Syracuse encampment. That is what happens when special interest money greases the political machine.
My campaign funders are ordinary people like you. I do not accept donations from developers, for-profit companies, or any person or entity doing business with the city.
I ask everyone reading this appeal to contribute something. If $5 is all you can afford, please contribute that. Consider making a recurring monthly donation through my website. If you can afford $5, or $10, or $25 today, can you do that every month through November?
Help me raise my campaign budget of $15,000. The campaign funds will go to voter mailings, literature, yard signs, and campaign offices and phones. Please help us reach $10,000 before Labor Day.
Vote Green – Not Machine – in 2013!
Howie Hawkins
PS Federal government is gridlocked. State government is locked into austerity. It is therefore urgent that progressives build independent power from the bottom up – in our cities and towns – starting now with this winnable race. Please donate to my campaign today.

I heard that there have been a number of controversial issues in the City Council lately that were wasteful or unhelpful, and they were decided by a one-vote margin. Could you give some examples of these and describe how you would have voted?