Petition: Protest Working Families Party Attack on Howie Hawkins

We call on the WFP to end its ill-considered and divisive opposition to Howie Hawkins.

To all Labor, Socialist and Progressive Activists:

We the undersigned strongly protest the Working Families Party decision to campaign for Howie Hawkins's opponent in the race for Syracuse City Council. It is unconscionable that the Working Families Party which claims to be a champion of organized labor should seek to undermine his independent, progressive campaign.

Hawkins track record as an environmentalist, labor and Green Party activist make him by far the best choice as an elected spokesperson for working people in Syracuse. As the New York Green Party's candidate for Governor in 2010, he campaigned for progressive taxes and revenue sharing as the alternative to Governor Cuomo's cuts to schools, cities, and public services. He received nearly 60,000 votes, which gave the Green Party a ballot line statewide for the next four years. He is a working Teamster, an active member of Teamster Local 317. His endorsement by CSEA reflects his success in reaching out to organized labor. CSEA's statement of support reads...“CSEA Central Region 5 is very proud to endorse Howie Hawkins for Syracuse Common Council District 4. We are confident Howie is the candidate for the middle class, working men and women and those less fortunate. He will bring an independent and thoughtful no-nonsense approach to the Syracuse Council, something we need during these tough economic times.”

In the last city council election, Howie lost by only 96 votes. This year all indications are that he has a real chance to win against his establishment Democratic opponent. 

We call on the WFP to end its ill-considered and divisive opposition to Howie Hawkins.

Jon Flanders
retired member, IAM 1145
VP Troy Area Labor Council

John Halle
Former Green Party Alderman
Director, Music Theory, Bard College Conservatory

Steve Early
retired CWA District One Staff Representative and past supporter of the Working Families Party in Massachusetts

Petition and full list of signers at:

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