Westcott Community Center, 826 Euclid, beginning at 9 PM. Tuesday November 5.
Syracuse Green Party
Media Advisory
For Immediate Release: November 4, 2013
For More Info: Ursula Rozum (315) 414-7720
Green Election Night Celebration at Westcott Community Center
The Syracuse Green Party will hold its election night celebration and vote return watching at the Westcott Community Center, 826 Euclid, beginning at 9 PM. Tuesday November 5.
Green Party Mayoral candidate Kevin Bott, Common Council candidate Howie Hawkins and School Board candidate Barbara Humphrey will be in attendance.
The Green Party has an extensive get out the vote effort planned for Election Day, working out of the campaign offices 2013 East Genesee Street and 2617 South Salina Street.
The Greens are running on a platform of jobs, improving the local schools, progressive tax reform, and better neighborhood services.
Kevin Bott is Associate Director of Imagining America, a national network focusing on democracy in higher education.
Howie Hawkins, a member of the Teamsters, has been active in movements for peace, justice, labor and the environment since 1967. He has lived on the South Side of Syracuse for over 20 years.
Barbara Humphrey has a teaching degree from SUNY Albany and taught at Blodgett Junior High before becoming a grant writer for local government and nonprofits.
The Green Party is committed to ecology, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and social and economic justice.
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