Green Party Election Day Plans
Green Party Election Night Party at Polish Home
Hawkins to Vote at 3 pm at the Seals Community Center
Greens Call for “Inclusive Democracy” to Increase Voter Turnout and Civic Engagement
Propose Structural Changes to Elections and City Government
The Greens “Inclusive Democracy” platform includes instant runoff voting for executive offices, proportional representation on common council and the school board, public campaign financing, and neighborhood assemblies for community planning and participatory budgeting.
Greens To Release “Inclusive Democracy” Platform for Increasing Voter Turnout and Civic Engagement
Notice of News Conference
When: Friday, November 3, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: City Hall steps, Syracuse
Who: Howie Hawkins, Green candidate for Mayor
Frank Cetera, Green candidate for Councilor-At-Large
Eric Graf, Green candidate for 2nd District Councilor
Serena Seals, Green candidate for 4th District Councilor
Greens To Release “Inclusive Democracy” Platform for Increasing Voter Turnout and Civic Engagement
With most prognosticators predicting another low turnout for the city elections on November 7, the Green Party candidates for mayor and common council will gather on city hall steps Friday to propose fundamental reforms to the structure and process of city elections and government that they say will give city residents more reason to vote and to participate in civic affairs between elections.
Hawkins Calls for Plastic Bag Ban
Says Ban would be the Centerpiece of Aggressive Anti-Litter Program
Howie Hawkins said today that Syracuse should enact legislation to ban carryout plastic bags from local retail outlets. He said the city ordinance should also include a fee on all other carryout bags that are not re-useable, with at least part of the proceeds going to help pay for litter reduction programs.
“Plastic bags are an environmental and economic burden on our community. They create litter, harm wildlife, and pollute Onondaga Creek and Onondaga Lake. Even the most remote places on our planet are being overrun by plastic bags since they are so lightweight and are easily carried by the wind and water. Banning plastic bags is a simple step to reduce local solid waste costs,” said Hawkins, the Green candidate for Syracuse mayor.
“The city's excessive litter, especially from the ubiquitous plastic bags traveling down our streets with the breeze, gives a poor impression to visitors and potential new residents and businesses and is a demoralizing nuisance for current residents and businesses,” Hawkins said.
Read moreHawkins: Invest in Community Enterprises, Not Private Developers
The Municipal Development Bank proposed for Syracuse would be the non-profit corporation pictured here in this graphic from the Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland, Ohio.
Hawkins Calls for a Municipal Bank and Eds-and-Meds Partnership to Drive Revitalization of Syracuse
Howie Hawkins, the Green candidate for Syracuse mayor, said today that “it is time for our city government to stop giving tax breaks exclusively to big private developers and start investing in community-owned enterprises. We can own our own jobs and anchor the wealth created by our work to our families and neighborhoods by developing businesses with democratic ownership structures. The best strategy to create living-wage jobs, build business asset wealth for working people, and expand the property tax base is to develop worker cooperatives and other forms of community-owned enterprises.”
Hawkins to Present Plan for Re-Opening Coyne Laundry
Plans Many New Worker Cooperatives in Syracuse
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for mayor of Syracuse, will hold a news conference on Tuesday, October 31 at 11:00 am in front of the recently closed Coyne Textile Services building at Coyne Corners at the intersection of Tallman Street and Cortland Avenue.
He will be joined by Frank Cetera, a co-op developer by profession who is the Green candidate for councilor-at-large.
“It is time for our city government to stop giving tax breaks exclusively to big private developers and start investing in community-owned enterprises. The best strategy to create living-wage jobs, build business asset wealth for working people, and expand the property tax base is to develop worker cooperatives and other forms of community-owned enterprises,” Hawkins said.
Syracuse Green Candidates Release Campaign Ads
Howie Hawkins for Mayor: Cetera for Councilor-At-Large: Graf for 2nd District Councilor: Seals for 4th District Councilor:
Hawkins Supports Public Power, Broadband, and Sidewalks
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Mayor of Syracuse, called today for a municipal power system to lower electric rates and make a rapid transition to 100% clean, renewable energy.
Hawkins also stated his support for a publicly-owned community broadband system (internet, cable TV, phone) to provide faster, lower-cost service than the corporate telecoms have.
Hawkins said the city’s sidewalks should also be municipalized, with the Department of Public Works taking responsibility for sidewalk snow removal and maintenance like it is for city streets.
“Public utilities are the public avenues of private commerce. Publicly-owned utilities will lower the cost of living and doing business in the city and improve the quality of our infrastructure,” Hawkins said.
Read moreHawkins Calls for Three "Civic and Environmental Highways" in Syracuse's Urban Design
Hawkins Presents His Vision for a Sustainable Syracuse
Says Community Grid in the I-81 Corridor is First Step
Calls for Additional Civic and Environmental Corridors To Revitalize City Economy
Speaking from the top floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel overlooking the I-81 corridor and the rest of Syracuse beyond, and surrounded by vision maps and drawings of what a “Sustainable Syracuse” could be, Green Party mayoral candidate Howie Hawkins presented his ideas for “rebuilding Syracuse green” on Tuesday.
“Rebuilding the I-81 corridor as a community grid, with a mixed-income, mixed-use, walkable neighborhood that is serviced by public transportation, should be the first of three civic and environmental corridors Syracuse should build to become sustainable fiscally, economically, and ecologically,” Hawkins said.
Hawkins to Present His Sustainable Syracuse Vision for Civic and Environmental Highways in City's Urban Design
Hawkins to Present His Vision for a Sustainable Syracuse on Tuesday, October 24 at 11:00 am
Vision Calls for Civic and Environmental Highways in the Old 15th Ward Community Street Grid and along the Erie Canal and Onondaga Creek Waterways
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Mayor of Syracuse, will hold a news conference on Friday, October 20 at 11:00 am in the Horizons Ballroom on the top floor of the Crown Plaza Syracuse, 701 E. Genesee St. to present his ideas for “rebuilding Syracuse green.”
Hawkins will present his ideas with vision maps and drawings to illustrate his proposals and with a view looking down on the city to where the vision would be built.
“We need to take bold urban design initiatives to boost Syracuse out of its economic doldrums. Syracuse can’t be Everywhere USA and expect it to attract people and business any better than any other conventionally designed city. By restoring the old 15th Ward community street grid and the Erie Canal and Onondaga Creek waterways, we would create three civic and environmental highways criss-crossing the city. They would enhance the city’s charm and beauty and provide attractive gathering places for businesses, residents, workers, shoppers, and tourists to participate in commerce, recreation, education, politics, arts, and cultural activities,” Hawkins said.