Iraq |
Bring the Troops Home Now;
Bush for Lying About Weapons of Mass Destruction;
No War
for Oil;
Opposes War on Terrorism |
Voted to Invade Iraq;
Voted Against
Bringing the Troops Home;
Supports Pre-emptive War and
War on Terrorism |
Middle East |
Supports a two-state solution for
Palestine and Israel;
Supports Immediate Ceasefire in Lebanon
and Gaza;
Opposes Israel Occupation of Palestine |
No Support for Palestinian Rights;
Supports Israel Bombing of Lebanon;
100% backing of Bush
and Israeli government |
Universal Health Care |
Supports a Single Payer, Medicare
Care for All program
(HR676); Remove profit from health care system |
Killed universal health care in
still opposes single payer;
supports mandatory private
insurance for consumers |
Military Budget |
Cut by $300 billion |
Voted for Increases |
Public Campaign Financing |
Supports |
Opposes |
Same- Sex Marriage |
Supports |
Opposes; supports civil unions |
New, Independent Investigation
of 9/11 |
Supports |
Opposes |
Close School of America |
Supports |
Opposes |
Global Warming |
Take Action Now; Mandatory Cuts
in Carbon Emissions; Cut energy use / promote conservation;
$300 billion fund for worldwide conversion to renewable
energy |
“A climate change no show” according
to Boston Globe; Clinton/Gore administration failed to
ratify Kyoto; Opposed allowing New York and other states
to raise fuel efficiency standards for car |
Corporate campaign contributions |
Refuses to accepts |
Raises more corporate dollars than
anyone else, including from health care industry |
Death Penalty |
Opposes |
Support |
International Criminal Court
to prosecute war crimes |
Supports |
Opposes |