A big thank you to everyone who mobilized to get out Howie's anti-war
message and try to get the Green Party a ballot line for the next
four years.
We had people of all backgrounds campaigning passionately for common
causes - to bring our troops home now, not in a few years; and to
invest in our communities instead of invasions. We rallied
for a real renewable energy conversion, and for economic and social
programs that would benefit us and not the elite.
Thank you especially to our hard-working and dedicated volunteer
coordinators in New York City; Danny Katch, Jerry Kahn and Lidiya
Lednyak. To all the tireless Greens and progressives around the state
who organized with too little money and too few resources, to the
inspired students around the state who participated in Howie's campus
tour and organized to get out the vote. To the students, our future
green organizers - keep agitating and mobilizing!
Thank you and grateful hugs to our interns, Robin at SUNY Oswego,
Reed at Vassar; and Mike, our full-time, multi-talented intern
who's already en route back to California. Thanks to former Syracuse
University student Joe, who really really wanted to work on Howie's
campaign and traveled across the country to work with Howie one last
week. A special thank you to our busy website designer and media
coordinators, David Doonan and Sander Hicks for volunteering free
time they didn't really have to give. And thank you to all
the busy Matt Funiciellos out there who helped throw great events
for our campaigns-fundraising and speaking events that raised needed
cash and created a space for wide-ranging political discussions that's
sorely needed in our times.
Thank you to everyone who put their heart and energy into
the Green campaigns these hectic past few months. To all the good
New Yorkers who gave their time and talents for what they believe
in, named and those wishing to remain unnamed. And lastly, a thank
you to all the green candidates and the greens behind them who did
all they could for them.
Get involved in your local campus or county Green Party chapter,
and if there isn't one near you- start one up yourself!
Check back on our website the next few weeks on how to stay involved
and for updates, and also check the Green Party of NYS's website,
www.gpny.org and Green Party of United States, www.gp.org for Green
Party and election updates around the country.
Demand, organize, pressure the Democrats to get out of Iraq now, to
cut the funding for occupations, and for no future wars of aggression.
With the new balance of power of supposed 'anti-war' but pro-occupation
Democrats elected we must make our demands to them now and be ready
to give them hell if they seem likely to simply extend the war.
Keep organizing to bring our troops home and to encourage our
soldiers to lay down their arms. Keep organizing towards a sane,
just, and sustainable future for us regular folks - no matter how
long that takes.
It's been an amazing ride - Thank YOU for everything you've done,
and keep fighting for real justice and peace!
- Sally Kim, Campaign Manager on behalf of Howie Hawkins for US
Senate Campaign |