Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Hawkins Defends Tasini, Criticizes Clinton on Middle East Statements

July 26th, 2006
For more information:
Howie Hawkins, (315) 425-1019,
Sally Kim, (518) 451-9469,

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, defended today Democratic challenger Jonathan Tasini statement that Israel's recent military offensives in Gaza and Lebanon violate international law and the Geneva Conventions.

"The civilians of Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon all need to be defended against attacks from both government militaries and extra-governmental militia. While all of the warring parties have grounds to portray their people as victims, the use of violence in response creates more violence and more suffering victims. The issues underlying the conflict do not have a military solution. They can only be resolved through negotiations toward a comprehensive settlement backed by the international community,” Hawkins said.

“It is certainly illegal under international law to use hostages to blackmail countries to do what you want. Israel, as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, is guilty of this crime, but on a scale of thousands rather than handfuls. Collective punishment of civilian populations is a war crime under international law. Israel as well as Hamas and Hezbollah are guilty of this crime as well, but again, the scale of civilian casualties inflicted by Israeli forces in Lebanon and Gaza is far greater. The US needs to stop defending Israel’s behavior and supplying it with high-tech weapons and instead join the rest of the international community in calling for an immediate ceasefire," stated Hawkins, a former Marine.

Hawkins said it is not the statements of Tasini that are “outrageous, offensive and beyond the pale,” as Clinton advisor Howard Wolfson characterized them yesterday. “It is Clinton’s unconditional support for Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, the separation wall in the West Bank, and military aid to Israel while it violates international law that are outrageous, offensive and beyond the pale. Her statements repeatedly demonstrate no sympathy or understanding of the plight of the Palestinians. Such willful ignorance does not serve the cause of peace in the Middle East. It is obvious she is pandering for votes, not acting as a serious leader sincerely seeking a peaceful resolution of the Middle East conflict,” said Hawkins.


*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*