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Exclusive Debates Violate Voters' Right to Make Informed Choice

Green Party of New York State Responds to League of Women Voters Sponsorship Withdrawal

October 20th, 2006
Distributed by the Green Party of the United States

Gloria Mattera, Co-chair, 917 886 4538 Peter LaVenia, Co-chair, 518 463 8653 or

The Green Party of New York State welcomes the decision by the League of Women Voters (LWV) of New York State to withdraw from the upcoming debates for Attorney General and US Senate. According to the League, "The voters of New York State deserve better."

After some pressure, the LWV reconsidered its original exclusion and declared both Rachel Treichler and Howie Hawkins, Green Party nominees for Attorney General and US Senate, to be "bona fide contestants" and thus eligible to participate in the debates. When none of the co-sponsors would accept the League's decision to include them, the LWV of NY State withdrew its sponsorship. (

"My inclusion in debates," said Senate candidate Hawkins, "would allow the voting public to hear more about the issues in this significant race. I am one of several antiwar candidates running, and to silence any of us at this crucial juncture muzzles a large percentage of antiwar New Yorkers." Hawkins added, "Though the latest Zogby poll shows my campaign at 21% among independent voters, a level that more than satisfies the League's last criterion for inclusion, the fact that I am on the ballot is all that should matter."

Peter LaVenia, co-chair of the Green Party of New York State, pointed out that "a growing number of voters find the artificial restriction of debates to Democratic and Republican candidates a complete sham. When alternative candidates are included, both viewership and voter turnout increase. When Independent candidate Jesse Ventura was included in gubernatorial debates in Minnesota, he went from 10% in the polls to over 30% in just a few weeks. And then he became governor. That would never have happened had he been excluded from the debates. This indicates why major party candidates strive to keep voters from hearing alternative candidates."

Even if it did not increase participation, all legitimate voices should be included because it is the right and democratic thing to do. Some candidates and parties are "weak," unable to "demonstrate  significant public support" because they've been systematically excluded by corporate control of nearly all popular forms of information, Without exposure, it's next to impossible for a candidate to gain enough public support to raise enough money to get enough exposure to gain significant public support.

"Many voters are frustrated," said Rachel Treichler, Green Party candidate for Attorney General, "by the closed nature of our current electoral system. A poll last spring by Princeton Survey Research Associates found that 73% of Americans think it would be a good idea to have more than just Republican and Democratic choices in the 2008 presidential election. It's disappointing that voters in this state election will not have the opportunity to hear all the candidates debate the issues together in the same public forum."

Challenge to the League of Women Voters

The Green Party believes that all candidates who successfully petition to get on the ballot, should be included in all forums and debates, especially televised debates, so voters can make informed choices. "True democracy is allowing voters to hear all the candidates' views so they can vote for the one who truly represents their vision," said Gloria Mattera, former candidate for Brooklyn borough president and co-chair of the Green Party of New York.

The LWV is perhaps the only non-governmental organization that has the clout to ensure equal access to the electorate for all candidates. The Green Party of New York State urges the League to take the lead in fostering an attitude of democratic inclusion and to pressure all other debate sponsors, especially TV stations, to do the right thing.

The exclusion of alternative candidates because of biased criteria, bolstered by opinion polls that include only Democratic and Republican candidates, is happening all over the country. See the press release issued on Thursday, October 12, by the Green Party of the US. (

Green Party candidates and their supporters continue to lobby media outlets and nonprofit organizations to sponsor inclusive debates. New York City Green Party members will join Green US Senate candidate Howie Hawkins outside WABC Studios (Columbus Ave & 66 St) to protest his exclusion from the US Senate debate sponsored by that station on Sunday, October 22, at 8 AM.

To learn more about the Green Party's Peace
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Candidate's web-sites:
Julia for Comptroller

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*