Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for NY Sentate

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Hawkins the anti-hawk

by Frederic Pierce / Political Notebook
Syracuse Post-Standard

If you're among the third of New York voters who would pick "an unnamed anti-war candidate" over U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, Syracuse's Howie Hawkins wants you to know that he's your man.

With this weekend's rejection of anti-war candidates by the Independence Party and the Working Families Party in favor of Democrat Clinton, Hawkins, the Green Party's Senate candidate, says he's the race's only remaining peace candidate.

"I suddenly feel a lot of responsibility to the anti-war movement," Hawkins said. "People want to get out of Iraq and they're looking for someone to vote for."

Opposition to the war emerged as a possible chink in Clinton's armor last week as a Zogby International poll showed only 38 percent of the state's voters would support Clinton if she faced an anti-war candidate. That unnamed war opponent got 32 percent of the respondents' vote.
June 8th, 2006

*Website by David Doonan, Labor Donated to Hawkins for Senate Campaign*