Hours and start date are flexible. We ask for a commitment through the end of November 2013. To apply, please send resume and a letter of interest to ursula.rozum@gmail.com. In your letter, be sure to let us know what social/political issues you’re most concerned about, what skils you would bring to the internship and what you hope to learn.
Howie Hawkins on WCNY's Insight, Aug. 30, 2013
Howie was on WCNY's Insight program on Aug. 30 discussing city issues and the recent debate among Democratic mayoral primary candidates: http://video.pbs.org/video/2365071230/
Intern with the Howie Hawkins to the City Council campaign!

Change the System, Not the Climate - Starting in Syracuse!
The Syracuse Green Party is looking for interns to assist with the Howie Hawkins for City Council campaign. Howie Hawkins is a lifelong activist, committed to agitating and organizing for peace and justice (you can read about Howie's background, from organizing to stop the Vietnam War to shutting down nuclear power plants to more recent initiatives like supporting local cooperative businesses on his Wikipedia page) The Green Party provides a friendly work environment and plenty of opportunities to take on responsibility and gain practical organizing experience.
Green House Party with Ron and Sondra
You are warmly invited to a house party to support Howie's campaign for Syracuse Common Council on Monday August 19 at 7:30 PM at the home of Ron Ehrenreich and Sondra Roth at 255 Sherbourne Road in Syracuse. Please bring your checkbook -- donations large and small will be accepted to help elect Howie to the Syracuse Common Council.
Here is what Ron and Sondra have to say about Howie and his campaign, and why they are supporting him by hosting this event:
"Friends and comrades, As you may know, we have worked with our friend Howie Hawkins for many years in many struggles. Howie is a knowledgeable, bright, hard working and outspoken activist for social justice. In 2011, Howie won 48% of the vote for this council seat -- this year, we want to help him win. Howie will be an effective advocate for progressive public policy on the Common Council.
Howie is running a grassroots campaign -- he does not accept donations from corporations or anyone who does business with the city. Howie is a supporter of political action outside of the corporate two-party system. He is a long-time eco-socialist. Howie is running on the Green Party line with the campaign theme of “Tax the Rich. Fund our Schools. Create Jobs”. Howie’s campaign for Common Council is supported by the local Green Party of Onondaga County and by the Socialist Party.
We hope you'll come and help elect an intelligent and hardworking visionary to the Syracuse Common Council. RSVP online at: http://www.howiehawkins.org/house_party_for_howie_hawkins_with_ron_and_sondra
Help Me Win in Syracuse This Year.
I can win my race for 4th District Councilor in Syracuse.
We've got an energetic campaign team working at the grassroots. But to win, I need your support, too. Will you make a donation?
In previous campaigns for this office, my vote grew from 14% in 2003, to 41% in 2009, to 48% in 2011. This year I intend to win this two-way race. I'm running against a Democratic incumbent in a city where every elected office is held by a Democrat.
As a Green Party member of the city council, I will have the political independence to speak up for our schools, our neighborhoods, and our environment.
Read moreProtesting Nuclear Power and Weapons
It's a protest that comes to downtown Syracuse each August. A march to mark the anniversary of the first atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. Despite easing of superpower tensions and the perception of a reduced threat of nuclear war, YNN's Bill Carey says the people marching say there is still cause for concern.
"The nuclear weapons are still on a hair trigger. I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis and it's scarier now than it was when I lived through it. And we were really scared," said Howie Hawkins of the Green Party.
Read moreHawkins speaks at rally, decries "innocent" verdict in trial of Trayvon Martin's killer.
Howie Hawkins joined the Syracuse community to decry the Florida court decision that found George Zimmerman innocent of murdering unarmed youth Trayvon Martin whom Zimmerman pursued and shot without provocation. The decision is, by implication, a guilty verdict for all young African American men who dare to walk the streets of America. Read more from the Green Shadow Cabinet and see coverage of the rally on Syracuse.com
Howie Hawkins Answers Sierra Club Questionnaire
See Howie's full answers to the 2013 Sierra Club questionnaire for local candidates here: www.howiehawkins.org/sierra_club
Read moreDeclaration of Candidacy: "Speaking Up for Syracuse"
May 20, 2013
My top two priorities are Fiscal Justice and Jobs.
I will speak up for Syracuse to fund our city and schools. I will organize with the community, labor, and other elected officials to make the rich pay their taxes and the state share its revenues again. Fiscal Justice is how our city will get the money we need for good schools, living-wage jobs, safe neighborhoods, and a healthy environment.
I will also focus my energies on getting 4th District residents their fair share of the city-funded jobs that already exist. I will fight to see that the Equal Employment Opportunity Program and the Living Wage Law are enforced and that Community Hiring Halls are created to make city residents the first source for qualified new hires on city-funded jobs.
Read moreBan Fracking
Greens join anti-fracking demonstration in Albany on June 17 and say it is time to Criminalize Fracking, Invest in Clean Energy, and Divest from Fossil Fuels